This article arose out of continuation of
theme of pension reform. («The pension myths”, “Pension reform: die today”, “Reform
of the pension system”).
Clear that old men always and in
any societies financed on an aftertaste, otherwise such society loses the
future simply. Clear similarly, that the modern system of pensions carries all
signs of mortal illness of society, namely the most cynical and unfair social
inequality the simple removal of that immediately will result in disappearance
of far-fetched problem of "absence of facilities".
It is here suggested to dig deeper. Are the pensions
needed in general?
Self on itself the pension system
of old men is one of conquests of socialism, along with a 8-sentinel working
day, free medicine, education and accommodation. To all this social package to
that russians (and the whole world too) so got used, yet made default one
hundred years, in 2017 there will be only the first centenary anniversary of
revolution of bolshevists in Russia.
I.e. that us it seems to usual and
natural, actually is the quite offtype phenomenon for all history of
development of humanity. When in similar things everybody depended only upon
the forces.
And this newest world order, the
quite yet not getting cold period of history shows, as close there was an idea
of state-nursemaid all of us, as liked to feel us protected and insured, thus
so that we perceive it as the absolute law. But not revolutionary, inverting a
traditional world order upside down, conquest (by the words of famouse Nina Anreeva),
that needs to be valued, confirm and every day protect not in a joke, and
But because we did any authorities
get used absolutely initially to call in a question, we will put the
question point-blank: is it really so needed all this social lisping of the
state with the fully independent and capable citizens, especially in part of
parasitic attitude of old men?
In fact valuable and normal
citizens, it not some abstract virtual being requiring regular sacral presents,
but fully adequate and reasonable people that rather can be obliged, than to
require. So why all this difficult system of total public slate-club, with all
her expenses and abuses, if does everybody have (must, to be!) own children and
old men?
And if does a man in young days do
a choice in part of abandonment from creation of family and birth of children,
i.e. does not perform the major public duty, then why are all other on him
thrown down? Thus the question already is not about a justice, and about
creation of direct destructive stimulus, destroying society.
Stimulus that treats oneself an exactly such antistimulus, namely by
parasitic attitude of young people. I.е. instead of that to lay
on adults caring about old men, the state begins to pursue a stimulant policy
in part of procreation, and then and employments of young people. Finally
appropriating the unusual to him role of bread-winner of family, responsibility
of head of family the same for continuation of family, for deserving existence
of old men, for peace and prosperity.
In other words, an idea about a
state-nursemaid too well lies down in the tendency of destruction of family,
eliminations of distinctions between a man and woman, between the different
age-related parts of population. Agree, though pensions, certainly, is good,
but prospect is somehow not very.
But we will continue logic of reasoning. State, beginning the systematic
caring about old men and young people, formed the most loyal and easily
manipulated task force the same. On any demonstrations and protests motive
force is made by pensioners and students. Exactly "grandmothers" and
"buckwheat" are the creators of brand "Leonid
Chernovetskyi". Exactly pensioners and students are a basic contingent of Communist
Party, reason of her permanent success, in spite of complete absence of the
real political will to power.
Exactly an increase of pensions is one of key promises within the
framework of Yanukovych’s "improvement".
Thus pensioners and students are a not at all end, and only beginning.
All greater amount of officials (in Russia - 1 million!), physicians, teachers,
constabulary, soldiery etc. included in this task force total depending on the
state dependants.
If logically to continue a tendency, then with the increase of the
labour productivity and height of all these parasitic layers, loading on
remaining business and ordinary worker will surpass a critical level (to the
curve of Laffer), that inevitably will result in a social explosion and autodestruction
of such society. If the elite of society will envisage this explosion
beforehand, then the use of one or another mechanisms of total violence is
inevitable, for smoothing out of contradictions.
Here especially to invent nothing and it is not needed, all logically enough
and it is integrally described by Kurt Vonnegut in the "Player Piano".
Those, who remained in the real business will become lucky persons, white
neckwears and provided people. The same, who machines will eat the same as in
16 century of sheep, two variants will have: army, where it is possible
infinitely to dig trenches and polish the buttons, and road-building works,
where all approximately the same, only without a drill.
Thus exactly in these two industries is
introduction of improvements and innovations maximally laboured: why to deprive
people and without that senseless work?
Is Milton Friedman here right
really? I do not very love this scientist and political figure, as his basic
achievement not at all advancement of some new economic ideas(stolen, in my
opinion, at much more interesting and eccentric Silvio Gesell: open market,
free, permanently depreciating money, free earth, free labour - it and there is
modern monetarism). The basic achievement of Friedman is deep Orthodox belief in
liberal market conception, and it already has small general with science.
And however will we build a logical chainlet
from the postulate of Friedman, there can be total and decisive destruction of
the state will give some (let uncheap) panacea from the prospect of total
appeal in a global concentration camp?
It maybe in theory. Thus here again nevertheless more useful Gesell
appears. In fact the key parcel of his society is the freedom, understood as
possibility of absolute choice of place of inhabitation, sphere of employments,
free access to means of production (in his presentation it is primary earth or
small enterprises like smithies or mills).
But an universal progress of industry trend is
an all greater concentration of capital goods, for example all modern motor
industry is symbiosis rather, than really free and independent competitors.
In the terms of concentration of industrial
and financial capital, every
strengthening of role of the state is adequate and retentive, neutralizing the
negative consequences of the first tendency.
Therefore destruction of one of inhibitions and counterbalances,
balancing society, results only in the yet greater rates of motion toward a
total concentration camp.
Before to walk up to culmination, it is needed to go back to a question
that while fell out of consideration. If from the point of view of society on
the whole clear that excessive parasitic attitude not too useful, then how on
it to look from the point of view of ordinary man?
Universal, nescient rules and
exceptions tradition there is a desire of parents maximal to minimize the
dependence on children. Think, you can confirm my supervisions: all my
grandmothers and grand-dads, and similarly the relatives of acquaintances
preferred complete financial and economic independence, avoided even a hint on
the physical weakness and incompetence, and in the same rarest cases, when the
help of invalid tenders was really required, it was for them frightful
Strange tradition, not true? In fact children
for that and brought up, loved and pampered, in old age to get attention and caring.
Why we are afraid of own children?
Explanation, that all it is a rudimentary,
animal fear of old men for the fate, it seems to far-fetched to me. Yes, there
is tradition in the Chinese and Far-Eastern culture, when old men, not to eat
youth leave from family. But it is not Russian and not christian tradition
obviously. Our tradition - not to leave, guarding and guarding the children,
giving the all best, and sometimes and only food. As in blockade Leningrad or
during dearth on Ukraine. (My grandmother is left an orphan just like this, but
she survived that.)
Therefore I would see here not fear, and shame, understanding of own
weakness and involvement to the lawlessness created in the world. We sign in
that brought up the children worthless, unworthy. We are to the last afraid to
give to them a right for a decision-making FOR US, supposing that they
certainly will decide thinly.
As a foolish mother that is nursed with a
quadragenarian and fully infantile son is intellectual, that in a little while
and roles will change inevitably.
So from the third parcel we again come to the
total world concentration camp, only already ensuing from all greater
infantilism and lack of initiative of new generations of children.
That to do?
At least to grow up. As at most, to leave off
to be afraid of own children bringing up their apt at serious, independent and
adult decisions, a bit earlier to produce them in the world. To leave to them
this world though slightly better, than reached to us from our parents, that
oppressive sense of guilt was not before them.
Really all? Yes.
However soon a difference from the point of view of parasitic attitude between
old men, young people and strong healthy fellows apparently will not be quite.
This will
be a communism.
And as far as terrible or
gloriously will live in this society depends exceptionally on a sphere
non-material, from spiritual values, from veritable maturity of humanity.
From our choice.
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