Friday, 7 December 2012

Why this blog is a bit unlike russian one?

  This issue is following from significant difference between russian and overseas  public. We are on different sides of barricades, potential enemies with opposite point of view and culture. When one side would win, other would lose. Every glad and pleasant event for russian speaking public wake up sorrow and pain for english one and vice versa. For example, economic collapse of US, dollar crash and political destabilization in America, the possible independents of American states are fueling only strange euphoria for most of russians and would be dislikeful enough for every genuine american patriot.  
  What can bring us together?
  Not nation, not culture, not money or power or pleasure and comfort.  All this leave one clue undesolved question: who will be a master, and who will be a slave. Who will win and who will lose. But to consider english public from this point of view is the absolutely silly idea.
 So unique way to find up the mutual understanding is Jesus Christ only, wich can successfully unite people without any racial and social grade problem.
 And we ought to understand: first of all we are the God’s creatures, and all our games and wishes make sens only from this point of view. Only from this point of view we all are the brothers, one big family of people.  
 So no masters, no slaves, no losers and winners. The only winner must to be Jesus Christ.  
 We are not fighting  with americans, jews or banksters. Our general enemy is the devil, and his favorite tools: carrot and stick. Which now merged together in DOLLAR.
 And all we trust, love and to be afraid in this new idol.
 So mentioned difference from russian blog is the more sounded and precised enemy: not americans or Anglo-Saxondom, but devil tricks only. Although russian public often do not distinguish all this things very well.

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