Circumstance that in the USA simultaneously can happen irreparable: the
State debt of the USA will attain "ceiling" a to 2013 and fiscal
precipice will result in a necessity sharply to cut down expenses the state
budget, will mean repetition of Great depression 1933 and crash of the USA in a
that kind in that we got used it to see.
Probability such the events surprising single-mindedness of senators in
2011, that on complete gravity decided to abbreviate a national debt in the
period of credible recession, confirms, and a world show, decline of the state
rating of America, was required, that they in the latest moment allowed to
persuade itself.
There are all grounds to suppose that senators
2012 year will appear yet more fundamental, than previous year.
If to add to this scenario mysticism and
Hollywood prophecies: the last black president, predictions about doomsday and
films-catastrophes, coffins and prisons, incomprehensible processes of
transformation of whole regions the USA in the desert or gangster ghetto, then
it is necessary strongly to doubt in prudence of Americans.
However, by irony of fate, one is obvious: all this presentation is
absolutely artificially tuned, but not result of difficult social and economic
processes and miscalculations. Falling of demand and standard of life and
consumer charges, strange illnesses of middle class (see opinion of M.Hazin As
all will happen. To the role of "middle class" in a crisis). All is
simple, as pressure on the button of "switch". One time - and it is
not anymore than neither refunding of credits, nor subzero rates, nor state
orders nor pensions and budgetary salaries and grants.
Clear that here without coffins and
prisons not to do.
Besides the UNO warns of price advance on
foodstuffs from the extreme weather set this year. And there where depression, there and full-sized
Will this chiller-diller be
incarnated in life? Will there be doomsday?
Does an answer consist, as usual in simple research "who is it
advantageous"?. Did an international imperialistic elite ripen to the
complete care from the institute of the state? And the crash of the USA must
put the chain reaction of bankruptcies of the states the same all over the
world. Is she ready fully to destroy the institute of army and law enforcement,
legality and international law, begin the total genocide of earthmen?
Or nevertheless does this chain reaction remain too unfrocked and
littleguided, probability is too great that some large states will remain
"afloat", will appear able to resist to financial chaos and social
rebelling, to line up new economic connections, save an infrastructure and
Here thrown light a bit on the
riddle of Medvedev: you ideal he must go away right after the USA, counting on
right-believing liberalism of Russia, will start the irreversible process of
total self-destruction.
And however I will decide to put on it is not. The total bringing down
seems to me while does not provide the assured achievement of the put aims, a
battle for Eurasia is not yet won an anglo-saxon, the end of events is not
prejudged. Although I certainly, I can wrong, from where to me gentlefolks,
what trumps they are ready to lay out on a table. If to financial bankruptcies,
to add the epidemics of unknown illnesses and extraordinary natural cataclysms
hunger and rebelling, an answer becomes positive.
So, a geopolitical fork is described.
A question is: does wait the USA and whole world of consequence of simultaneous fiscal
precipice and impossibility of the debt refunding, i.e. the most cruel world
depression at the beginning of 2013?
I say no.
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