This article was published 02.11.2012.
In spite of all evidence of this bet, to write
him similarly heavily, as well as bet on Putin. Because a loss in this bet
means not simply a defeat in one or another battle (as for example, in Libya),
not simply unequivalent exchange or irretrievable loss of figure, but the most
real and irrevocable mate.
And in this case the self blogging of
geopolitical analytic geometry loses the sense. (So, there was business, handed
over nerves in March, 2011, when it seemed that Putin left from politics, and
Russia chose the liberal way of development of Medvedev). While it became not
clear that all of it - a thin game only. ("Putin throws down a mask")
Nevertheless looked after changes in wastes from liberal ideology,
different sort of monetarism of
bank-speculative recipes of treatment of economy, return of the traditional
systems of education and going near the decision of problems of family,
nationalization of mass-media and basic statefounded enterprises abandon the
ambivalent impression.
There are convincing enough signs
of both realisation of this state scenario and his complete ignoring, departure
back, to the most reckless privatising and liberalisation, as if in the days of
Gaydar and Chubays.
Certainly these processes can not
proceed simultaneously, the moment of truth will come sooner or later. Is this
the theme of this bet, however was it desirable on this theme, to give clear
generalisation, go round her attention it would be simply wrong, which sense is
then this blog in general?
I will mark that in sort a
hypothesis allowed to ignore the theme of privatising that in the conditions of
occupation (on terminology of E.Fedorov), i.e. complete prohibition on
development of national enterprises, control of facilities of the state budget
and banking system, an unique exit was creation of quasi-market private
enterprises, and in essence maffia-gangster "roof", fully analogical
western model or party-top-level system the USSR.
A just the same model allows to explain as a
calmness of Putin at Medvedev president’s times, his complete prevailing at the
formal management of Dmitry Anatolievich, as well as promise to be not
candidate after 2018. Why, if it is possible simply to appoint presidents, as
it is done in the USA.
It was especially hardly necessary to
criticise Medvedev for position on Syria, for example, "What Medvedev is
better than Каддафи", i.e. if help of Russia to Libya and could by virtue
of a number of the reasons limit, then direct support of cross hike does not
climb in no scopes.
Nevertheless, fact that Dmitry Anatolievich so not decided to send Putin
in retirement, although had on that all plenary powers, as well as
international support, allowed nevertheless to say of a version about his
conscious role the family jester, clown, playing off western public and holding
our opponents from decisive actions against Russia, encouraging to meddle in
different doubtful gambles. ("Medvedev: I cause a fire on itself").
I consider confirmation of this version well too surplus foolishness of
the separate saying of Medvedev (they do not cut an ear only to western public),
as well as their relative harmlessness limited to mainly rending the air.
However we lately have a sharp increase not only of
offencive, but empty enough statements:
accused Stalin of "war with own people"
guidance of the Stalin period was at war with the people
complained on impossibility to bring Stalin to the account
The story
element of the pension system itself did not justify is Medvedev
it is Needed to create world principles of work in the internet
Resource of authority of the first persons of the state must be used mildly
will copy off a $33 million debt before the London club
but also
fully material initiatives:
absolute harm of paranoid fight against smoking (This project of law can serve as
reason of height of social tension, courts and trials)
charged to sell three oilfields to the end of year
While Putin prefers a course on
development of national enterprises:
promised to start Shtockman to 2017
Thus all this activity takes place
in a period, when Russia leaves from under control of the USA, i.e. when
required the maximally concerted actions of power in Russia. In addition does
the requirement of playing liberalisation become more far-fetched, - well who
in the west in it will believe?
The theme of credible retirement of
Medvedev became popular enough in a blogosphere, although as on me it is an
argument against: too often dominant opinion appears wrong.
Is Scenario
of Kremlin blitz: after Medvedev will copy off and Сердюкова?
Will Engage
Putin the weeds away?
And however I will take chance here to support
a general trend. Thus decision here is that consideration about that S.Curginian
talks a long ago: either power in Russia will proclaim the course of the hard
state system and antiimperialism or people disappointed in her, power will be
discredited by a collaboration with liberals and international bankers, and a
country will become defenceless before an orange danger.
Think, this time came.
Thus excessive activity of Medvedev
testifies either to the desire maximally to slur the liberal constituent of
power, inflict a maximal damage (if to accept a version, that he is a patriot)
to her or he really in time trouble tries to concentrate round itself the
levers of management and faithful people, to resist to pressure of Putin.
Here are statements for a bet:
1. The
period of diarchy will come to an end not later, than during a semiyear.
2. The
valuable changing of elites comes in Russia, here liberal forces will fill up
the rows of opposition.
1 - yes, 2 - yes