Monday, 10 December 2012

What is the key resource of 3WW?

 Let this bet extremely difficult for administration, because a theme is maximum subjective. But her meaningfulness is such nevertheless, that a bet is appropriate nevertheless.
 What will a key, decision resource of new world war be?
  Oil? Fleet? Armour-plated armies? drones? Satellite facilities of track? Facilities mobile, satellite and the Internet of connection? Or old kind gun of Kalashnicov?
 I will say of the hypothesis concerning a basic resource in 3WW. She will be won by partisans, i.e. lone persons and detachments in a few persons, able to inflict an unacceptable damage to the opponent, and similarly active voice of local population in war as secret service agents, informants and destroyers of analogical detachments of opponent.
 Т.е. the key resource of new world war the level of consciousness and combat readiness of population will become, that will allow easily enough to level all modern and not too yet acute pieces like companions and drones. To the willingness to take hazards, capabilities to despise the protracted periods of disturbances and threat of terrorism. Threats to get in  proscriptive lists that today due to misunderstanding name Magnitsky lists or bill.
 Thus obviously, that for our ancestors, smashing losing way in forests Mongol-Tatars or teutons hundreds and thousands, knock to large detachments of Swedes or frenchmen for a loop, holding in a state of panic all rear of hitlerites by the brave raids of Covpak, it a task was fully on teeth.
  Will we manage with it we, modern patriots that despise internet-hamsters so proudly? Will we be deserving ancient knights of our earth?
 A question for a bet will be easier.

Which a basic, decision, winning resource will be in 3WW?

1. War will be won by partisans (well, or gangsters).
2. War will be decided by that, who will control natural resources, foremost oil.
3. War will be won by a number
4. War will be won by technical novelties(дроны, companions, electronic gadgets)
5. War will win the traditional armour-plated armies(tanks, airplanes, rockets).
6. War will be won by a donkey with gold(dollar).
7. Your variant.

I think war will be scored by partisans.

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