This article contains nothing fundamentally new, not affected
before, her it is rather necessary to examine as systematisation or additional
argumentation of already existent theses.
Where do wars undertake from? Question it not
at all child, and fully scientific. In fact nobody professes in that wars are
advantageous him, that he welcomes them and ready in every way to them to
promote, finance a hatred and spite, kindle dissatisfaction and avidity,
religious or racial intolerance. Vice versa, absolutely all political forces in
the world declare the peaceable disposition, non-acceptance of power methods of
decision of questions. Yet less than in the will kindling of wars it is
possible to suspect an ordinary population.
But if is all absolute against, then why
nevertheless there are wars?
Generally accepted modern presentation all responsibility for wars
knocks down on raging and inadequate dictators, unforeseeableness and an
uncontrollability of that as though is main reason of world instability. In
spite of obvious absurdness and primitiveness of such version, we will consider
her fully in earnest.
Too much people think that the main task of fight for peace is taken to
control after power, to prevention of appearance of new Hitlers and Napoleons,
to some democratic forms and procedures of state administration, to control of
control after control. And so for ever and ever or to the complete marasmus.
Thus hypothesis about God it is necessary to
reject in a similar analysis, in complete accordance with principles of
scientific "character" and "objectivity" of modern
"knowledge" arrogantly renouncing such priceless prompt. All of it
means together, that the phenomenon of arising out of from nowhere and
disappearances to nowhere of mighty leaders and emperors must be for certain
and convincingly we describe the most ordinary statistics or probability
theory. I.е.
that certain statistical conformity
to law and predictability must be looked over in appearance of new fighters of
bases of the world.
We will consider a temporal factor at first. On the face of it, history
confirms the statistical version of origin of dictators. Alexander Macedonian,
Julius Caesar, Attila, Genghis Khan, and other leaders of Mongol-Tatar yoke,
Carl XII, Napoleon, Hitler. Here and all list, not to plug in him the lot of
European feudal lords and slaveowners, central Asiatic rich landowners,
Russian boyars, Polish gentry, African or Indian leaders of tribes.
Speaking about the phenomenon of world imperias,
it is needed to take in an account only those, who really applied on a like to
the status quo and brought corresponding bloody victims.
And the list over brought on the
face of it ideally confirms a statistical version: at different times and in
different countries prominent leaders, able to join round itself force
sufficient for the conquest of world domination, appear periodically (one time
in a few centuries). And only slightly they all were not enough for realisation
of plan. Thus these people are born in different countries and belong to
different nationalities. That not so?
We will analyse reasons of wars that untied the indicated persons.
1. War of Alexander Macedonian
pursued the aim of providing of independence of his Motherland that was
unthinkable without elimination of mighty enemy - Persia Because any world of
tiny Macedonia with rich in people Persia would be to flimsy and temporal, the
least confusions in Macedonia here would open a gate to the enemy. While
already the defeat of Darius III and defeat of his army caused for Alexander I
thirst to new victories.
2. Wars of Julius Caesar pursued by
itself prosperity of the state, income and personal glory. Thus, as well as for
his predecessor, the personal valour and brilliant capabilities combined with
peaceful nature to beaten and generosity to the friends. I.е. these dictators
anymore befit for the role of "effective manager", than for a role
inadequate human murderer and bloodblower. We will mark their premature and man-made
end similarly, at least, one of them. And who could such remarkable people
3. Attila signifies the substantial
changing of priorities in previous wars of global value. If before they were
conducted for the sake of the personal glory and blessing of Homeland, then now
into first place an income went out once for all. And quite by chance,
certainly, (a hypothesis about God we ignore persistently) this changing of
priorities coincided with Christmas of Christ and creation of the first
christian states: Roman and Byzantine empires.
Accordingly hike of Attila with his fairy-tale
huns, whether that from the north of China, whether that yet nobody knows from
where, with the whole heap of the many tribes nomads excellently armed on the
final say of that time soldiery technologies, absolutely identical to the hikes
of the incorporated European marauders under the direction of Hitler or
And aims of him the same is destruction of the
christian state, elimination of believers, though it masks as thirst of income
and stranger good. Accordingly war methods change: she becomes bloody and
senselessly merciless, no peaceful nature and condescending to beaten or
surrendering are not present in trace. As well as shadows from a noble
"effective manager".
Thus there is feeling, that in the
thick forests of Europe or boundless virgin steppes of Asia Tweeter and
Facebook worked perfectly, so quickly and reliably went away on all this wild
space advertisement bait regarding the untold wealths of Rome and
Constantinople, weakness and mollycoddled of local inhabitants. Fairy-tales
above-ground to today.
And exactly due to this off-wire Internet, due
to sneaky merchants and merchants there was the same enigmatic
"pressure" of barbarians, that began little by little to shake loose
Rome, urge it to abbreviate the line of contact and undermine economic basis of
his power. Not to mention about inexplicable reasons of sudden dissidence of
the states and Church on western and east to part. That suggests an idea about
treachery and effective work of fifth column.
Similarly is there a question, from where at wild and poor, how are
church mise of forest barbarians and steppe nomads there was a weapon for
successful war against the front-rank and mighty state? From where gold,
resources, knowledge of geography and in general such offtype difficult ideas
in the dark head of uneducated barbarian? All of it can be understood only on
condition of availability in these deaf places of credit on the suitable terms
and excellent marketing.
In spite of absence of offices of banks and professors there are
economies that imagine, as though to Adam Smith people hardly could count up
money in the purse, and promissory pyramids, financial machinations and project
financing, are revelation 20 and 21 century.
However, the shallow, private entrepreneur raids of barbarians could not smash Rome, therefore and was to finance
additionally the business-project of global value under the name "Attila".
4. Absolutely the same reasons
carried all wars of Mongol-Tatar: income and elimination of the Russian
christian state. And only Tamerlane in this question showed surprising prudence
- he is only from the enormous list of our aggressors, that decided soundly,
and, in spite of exhortations of the advisers and tempters, unexpectedly turned
horse it away from нищей, hungry, frosty and rebellious Rus.
All other conquerors were
successfully conducted on fairy-tales about the untold wealths of the Russian
fellows and honestly poured it and stranger blood.
Thus in essence, nothing changed,
the vector of global opposition was simply replaced. If at Attila barbarian
nomadic Asia resisted to christian Europe, then at Mongol-Tatars of christian
Rus the heathen resisted and multiethnicic South. (About prevailing religion of
nomads science holds back bashfully).
Thus at this time in Europe there was a
regeneration of Christianity in something very remote from humility and love
for a neighbour, that was appropriately outpoured in forming of new global
source of wars and world instability.
Similarly it should be noted that
prevailing character of raids was a still "privately-enterprise":
large leaders and figures were required only for smashing of Rus or other
mighty states, at once after the achievement of these aims of service of
"genius war-lords" very quickly depreciated and power fell out for
them from hands.
5. European-conquistador yoke.
The distinguishing feature of this
period of global wars similarly was absence of the brightly expressed leaders (for
a fight against the savages of it not required), plus the radical changing of
all conception of armament and ways of achievement of economic superiority.
Runners and camels were changed by soldiery and trade ships, adroitness and
indefatigability of bear riders with usury was compensated by a canister-shot
and primitive strengthening.
In other words, global opposition changed the
vector and character, but not essence again. It passed to the conquest of the
unovercame territories, in a time of what Rus got very conditional breathing
space. As a result Europe appropriated to itself status of front-rank and
enlightened society, and Russia got the label of the backward and weak state.
We will mark that displacement of center of
world instability from Middle Asia to Europe was accompanied by active islamisation
of local population, the key element of that was a hatred of christianity. The
provocative Cross hikes the only aim of that was a discredit of christianity
and kindling of religious enmity were financed at the same time. I.е. at a care
from Asia the centre of world instability left after itself only a hatred and
Thus literally for 100 the flowering centre of
world civilisation grew into a thick remote place remains that until now.
6. Wars of Carl XII, Napoleon and
Hitler in fact are three times reiteration the same, only at new level of
soldiery and scientific technologies. Only if in the days of Carl XII to Russia
a relation was quite not serious, then on the hikes of two last dictators there
were not limitations neither in size of credit nor in an intellectual help from
the best minds of the world in part of technologies and armaments. Much to
spread to this theme does not make sense: it and so well-known things.
So, we walked up to the important
conclusion: all wars in the visible past carried
usurious-entrepreneurs character, being the
specific form of large business. I.е. we fluently walked up to the ideas of
marxism-leninism about imperialism, as main source of wars. Bourgeoisie and
industrial production are quite not required only for this purpose, greedy
fully enough usurer ready to finance new world war and able to exact a debt.
But before to go across to К. Marx, we will walk on some historical
nuances of the described "mighty" dictators, that, in essence, were
only obedient pawns in the hands of experience specialists on a world economic
How little and poor people and gold of Macedonius could win over the
mighty Persian empire? And is it possible to examine this opposition, how first
imperialistic war?
For this purpose is it necessary to
answer a question, and which the real chances were on victory at Macedonia, in
case that the question is about authentic opposition of elites of these
countries for prevailing in a region, about war on elimination? No more, than
at the small group of bad armed of "disagreement" insurgents to stand
on end on some public protests against forces of law and skilled soldiery
In other words, military leaders and other
elite of Darius III appeared "with people", I am sorry with
Macedonia. And no legendary genius and "high height" (actually the
Macedonian was not high height) of the glorified war-lord can balance complete
advantage of Persia on all parameters, ludicrousness of victories of Alexander.
But why did the elite of country,
satraps shown kindness toward by honours and power, prefer to betray the
sovereign and bend on a favour obscure foreign to the parvenu? One answer: the
scenario of overthrow of "tyrant" and "bloody" mode, like
modern Libya and murder of Muammar Gaddafi, has multymillenary history and
performed not one time. Bearing for wide public next legend that any Yushchenko
or Kasparov will become certainly, especially if will die in good time.
And the last question, finally putting blocks
at the place. Who did finance war? Who did provide resources the "Persian
spring" for 2 centuries ante-Christum? An answer is obvious: however any
normal sovereign Darius III could not get across a glamorous elite and usurers
that certainly brought countless calamities to the simple people. And,
accordingly, “outcasted” appeared here.
Whether it is needed to talk that financing of war was conducted in
credit, thus whether that problems with the return of facilities, whether that
excessive garrulity of Alexander concerning the veritable source of the
victories and brought him over to premature death in 32. From a very timely
Like there is a career of Julius Caesar. All
his hikes were conducted in credit, about what historical science holds back
bashfully, avoiding such concepts in principle, as money and debts. And that is
why even unsuspecting about existence of logic. Accordingly, while conquests
were conducted, while the inflow of booty went and credits undertook on new
hikes, all was perfectly.
But, as soon as Julius was
thoughtful, and what really the use is of to the economy of Rome his sanguinary
wars and from what such reasons the glorified Great Emperor must cash accounts
to some easy riders, as Brutus appeared here.
No less strange is arising out of from nowhere
the phenomenon with the name huns, when steppe nomads suddenly formed the
front-rank army of that time on all internals (logistic, geography,
management, armament). It is known that the equipment of one equestrian warrior
costed the whole state. What is a weapon bought on? On cheese from horses milk
or camel meat? Obviously, that huns is simply project that worked the task and
disappeared fully, whole people simply so to nowhere do not disappear and in
fail to appear from nowhere.
Except huns and scythians.
Similarly we will mark the excessive
bloodiness of Attila, his hatred of believing Europeans, elimination of them
not for the sake of booty, and for the sake of blood. Nothing does remind?
Concentration camps, gas chambers, inquisition?
Not less oddities and in a Mongol-Tatars
invasion. Firstly, they are not tatars and not mongols, and mogols. Secondly,
their religion and control system are very indefinite. That was distant from a
monarchy and combined in itself the elements of democracy and power of priests.
That with some change it was later repeated by cossacks in Zaporizhzhya Cut. In
other words, the veritable motherland of democracy is not at all Europe, and
Kazakhstan, though it is not such and great honour.
Regarding gold galleons and
fairy-tale riches of India and China it knows to all. But the few began to
think, and why Spanish and English kings were poor, as church mise, and their
countries were constantly on verge of bankruptcy. Thus real, but not modern
"promissory crisis", in those times they had not zeros in memory of
computer, and the real tons of gold.
In other words, conquistadors hikes
brought in a return to a very limit circle of persons, while even the most
successful performers got a "top-manager" salary just, the fate of
basic booty is covered by darkness.
Analogical fate and at the military booty of
Carl XII, Napoleon and Hitler. Spilling it and stranger blood and counting on
the untold wealths of Moscow and food from Ukraine, these people starved in
fact. That means only, that percents on credits on these wars it was necessary
to pay in addition from the pocket, a booty catastrophically was not enough.
Here it is similarly appropriate to specify on toylike, ludicrousness of
victories of these "great" war-lords in Europe and their complete
weakness in the real, but not raising war. Thus the most reasonable and brave
German and French generals and marshals were puzzled and talked the leader out
of hike on Moscow, clear saw uselessness absence of any prospect and such hike,
prophesied an inevitable catastrophe.
Here quotation from a book E.V.Tarle of "Borodino" :
"Marshal Bertye (prince Nevshatelsky)
was the chief of emperor's staff and from the beginning of intruding to Russia
did not stop to consider this act the greatest error of Napoleon. In Vitebsk,
in Smolensk he insisted on stopping of further motion east. He was, as we know,
quite not lonely: brave man Murat, king neapolitan, in Smolensk dashed on knees
before an emperor, pleading with him not to go to Moscow".
From where to know generals and how them to pass to, that is such the
will of main sponsor simply? Not to mention about enigmatic and premature death
all three: king, emperor and fuhrer. And are these pitiful and weak-willed
people confessed by great? None of them so not entered the lists to the
sponsors (as V.I.Lenin), nobody of them so not decided to publicise the
disgraceful financial kitchen in a vain hope on quiet old age.
It ensues from said, that application of statistical model for
description of the phenomenon of appearance and disappearance of world
dictators equivalently to application of this model in probability of origin of
booth with shawarmas and chebureks on train station, wellsite on a containing
oil layer or robber on the large road. Thus, what more centralе train station,
richer layer and animated road, that a booth anymore, a wellsite is higher, and
the gang of robbers is more numerous.
I.е. it is not statistics, and direct
dependence. And a corresponding financial ground is preceded appearance of
every dictator, statement by founders and announcement, like: "For a
project Х a dictator is required. Payment high. Labour not rationed, business
trips" are possible.
So, burying the statistical model of origin of
dictators, we will pass to Leninism seeing principal reason of world wars
imperialism and contradictions of capitalism. This, on the face of it, sensible
logic is not quite confirmed in practise. Because she reanimates a statistical
model again. Thus, if before we examined statistics in time, it is now
appropriate to consider her geographically, on countries.
A thesis supposes about
imperialism, that key reason of wars is a race of competitors for power and
resources. And it knows every businessman: even school or army friends, visit a
few years business-partners, become suspicious to each other, begin to doubt in
decency and in validity of business-decisions of the former comrade.
In other words, on some stage war in theory is possible as a competition
of elites of different countries, the elite of such countries can on some time
be united here. But as soon as there is hegemony of elite of one country (as
it, for example, now), then internal conflicts necessarily must spoil this
unity and imperialistic war must begin already into the elite of country of
predominant power, let even affecting different countries. In other words, a
snake must itself bite for a tail.
In spite of logical blamelessness of K.Marx, practise categorically
denies a thesis about imperialism. There was not a single imperialistic war in
history. Beginning from Alexander Macedonian to Hitler, the real military
operations never took place between the elites of different countries, they
always envisaged war of concrete sovereign (Darius III, Philip II) with an
elite own and international.
Thus, since Christmas Christly, all wars of global value took place
against the christian states. And it means that a probability theory for
explanation of history of people is inapplicable. (As well as for explanation
of acts of concrete everybody)
Finally, we walked up to formulation of main conclusion. Thus it is the
real historical fact, but not assumption or hypothesis.
Wars arise up by reason of presence of the
hardly guided, perfectly organised and reliably hushed up international network
structure, counting, at least, not alone thousand years. The basic task of that
is financing of wars, but not for the sake of profit, but for the sake of
power, in complete accordance with the postulate of F.Nietzsche.
Thus the basic enemy of this structure and her
nietzschean ideology is ideology of christianity. And characteristic
handwriting is democracy and anonymity.
But her waning, doom and weakness
is covered in the aim of this structure. Because she is completely erroneous.
Because the authentic source of power and
power in this world is covered not in a compulsion or tempting, and in love.
And only unless worms are able to understand that clear to any mammal, testing
tenderness even to the own children.
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