Saturday, 8 December 2012

Is the professionalism goodness?

    One of the most widespread presentations of modern society is an idea about professionalism. It consists in that everybody (especially man, certainly) must be something important and considerable, to be handy in a certain area, to fulfill oneself in something.
  Such presentation straight ensues both from a pyramid to Maslow, where "self-actualization" confesses the top of human existence and from a traditional economic doctrine in that a man (or labour) is a commodity. Accordingly for maximization of cost of this commodity it is necessary to provide with his maximally rare and unusual internals.
And what sense and value of life can yet offer materialism? Service to Motherland, native village, community or bedlam? No, it too, certainly, not bad, but only if there is possibility it is advantageous to sell. And then, if selling is impossible, the market value does not exists, as is generally known.
 But we will go back to such value as professionalism. What is bad if a man improves in something, arrives at certain successes herein, does use certain respect and blessing?
This theme already was a bit examined. For example, a naive confidence was ridiculed, that service, money, especially a powerful lot of money, pay for that, by something better done free, just from the soul. By a word, known contrasting professionals-amateurs, in that "professionals" from science, art or train station business successfully defend the bread from casual amateurs. By a basic result what an overcharge is on services of such professionals, regardless of scientific consultant before us or "bombed"1 simple.
  But especially cynical this contradiction shows up in medicine, where often and thickly in expensive private clinics treat much worse, than in ordinary free hospitals. Serve, clear, better, and treat worse, on extremely to the measure similarly.
  Nevertheless, it is necessary to confess that though governed "than more expensive, so much the better" has mass of exceptions, but in most cases works nevertheless. As well as that professionals more reliable and better than amateurs even that work on the field constantly, but not off and on, when a mood or desire to earn is.
 What is professionalism then bad? And only by creation of false sense of life, when all dreams and motives of man focused in the achievement of perfect blow to the ball or in ideal confluence with a machine, it is unimportant bolide it or destroyer.
  Because it is unobvious, we will take for the beginning the simple example. Is there how much value in drawing a breast, by a member or yet other belongings of the so-called pictures? Or in competitions on tossing of mobile telephones? Or in ability to ride a bicycle on one wheel, juggling or unbelievable grimaces and stretchings of comic actors? But it is professionalism too.
 A next example is almost from the same category. Is there how much benefit from thorough knowledge of taxes or some legal codes? The all this noble and respected "professionalness" vanishes instantly, as soon as old laws are replaced by new. If to imagine a hypothetical (and actually most natural and appropriate) case, that in laws will power abolish loop-holes for their round, will create simple, primitive and clear to any unprepared man laws, which a cost of all these legal and tax consultants will be?
 If determined here, we go along. Is there how much benefit from high-cube of various scientific information, especially in part of development of philosophical idea? In fact it almost is an anecdote: simple fellow quite often compels the worldly wisdom ingloriously to retreat regular connoisseur and keeper of bottomless well of world philosophical wisdom (As in a serial "Matchmakers"2). And if does a philosophical idea so uncomfortably feel even before a simple unintricate fellow, we will imagine, which it will be her before light of the real most high wisdom?
  But does abstract philosophizing, and practical, worldly skills make sense then?
  Once vitally important was skill of ride on a horse and archery. Once the top of art was ability to fasten reefs and climb on rope-ladders, without regard to a gale and bad weather. Once vitally important skill was ability to find an iron-stone and organize blacksmith work. There was such time, when cutting of booty, her drying by scrapers and salting and made of flint knives was a considerable art, determining the capacity of tribe for a survival.
  Is a price great now to all these skills?
  Exactly such is a price to modern skills of driving of car, rockets or managements by the automated productive line, factories. Not eliminated, that the people of the future will look at them similarly indulgently, as well as we on a front-rank sumerian ploughman or barbarian hunter.
  Really the professionalism does not exist?
  It is, eventual. But only knowledge that has though some benefit on earth is this knowledge of nature, material world. I.e. physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. Thus all these knowledge evidently demonstrate as incredibly complex and mutually agreeable this world is carefully thought out arranged. Forming to the same unintentional respect to his Creator.
 But labour and his skills in itself is nothing. Much more important that by means of labour brought up in a man. Here the best of all to understand on the example of classic pedagogics.
  It is known that to the schoolchildren or students much more important to instil the ability to orient and desire to know anymore, then to give certain volume of knowledge. If it will be succeeded, the amount of knowledge will accumulate already without every pressure from the side of teacher. But if the exactly certain volume of information will be put in the head of corner, then the process of forgetting will pass the process of mastering of new knowledge very soon.
  Such situation and with labour: All-powerful God does not need our labour abilities and even accumulated knowledge, but habit to labour and studies, requirement herein, presumably, have an enormous value.
  Not to mention about that overcoming of disgust for labour means the complete elimination  of material motivation, money, temptation and traditional source of cost, and similarly decision of problem of the surplus productivity.
  But it is a theme of other articles already.

1 – “Bombila” is a jokose name of russian taxy drivers.
2 – popular TV serial.

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