This article, as it is often, was born from an ordinary comment,
therefore thank you all, who abandons the opinion, argues and asks.
What freebee is?
Basic main-stream, by base interpretation of this concept, that intrude
upon us, there is an idea about a freebee, as about indigenously barbarian, animal
and ignoble habit of undereducated and wild people. Especially such
"unsuccessful" and "uncivilised", as slavs, Russians.
Really in this bulky parody, is
there a stake of truth a joke? In fact we are really apt to the freebee. Unlike
the same Europeans that got used always and for everything to pay.
We begin to take off a "noodle from ears".
Our striving to the freebee not at all is a base concept in the wild of
values of any east, south and other uncivilized people (except, certainly,
West-European). Vice versa, love to the freebee is this base position of theory
of open market, capitalism and all liberal economic doctrine.
In fact a freebee is this capacious
generalization of universal thesis about the utility of maximization of profit,
personal blessing and privileges in an exchange on minimum possible expenses. I.е.
in a desirable and optimal limit - in an exchange on a zero. And it a freebee
is just.
Exactly in search of swags,
freebees prowl all over the world multinational corporations, wishing free of
charge and gratuitously to get the different natural blessing, not stopped for
the achievement of this holiday of life before mass genocides, fratricidal wars
and artificial natural catastrophes.
For example, in obedience to Naomy Klein, the
hurricane of "Mitch" in Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua urged local
governments to accept the help of international financial organizations on the
servings to enslave terms, start the processes of the total privatizing, i.e.
actually to say goodbay to sovereignty. A hurricane over "Sandy"
brought to the final and irrevocable triumph of the systems of private
education and medicine in New Orlean.
The row of tsunami rendered the
decision affecting successful development of tourist business and provided
complete destruction of traditional fishing industry, providing employment of
local population on Maldives, Sri Lanka, Thailand and other
"paradisial" islands and coasts. Thus all these catastrophes directly
followed by a dead failure to stick to the people suicidal decisions "in
an amicable way", i.e. at once after the unequivocal warning of Silver-parliamentaire
(*) of a flag of truce.
By the way, about it it is necessary
continuously to remember to the lovers of exclusive and fashionable resorts,
when they comfortably have a rest on the bones of people. But we will go back
to a freebee.
Why not to pay rich multinational corporations in full for the given
resources, not to cooperate on the equal and mutually beneficial terms with
governments, forming the same in developing countries attractive consumer
markets? Why does the most primitive, animal, instinctive and inefficient
stimulus triumph to such superoptimization of expenses, that whole
civilisations and cultures perish beyond retrieve?
And because love to the freebee is fixed in
foundation, in founding of all western aspiring to prevailing and power. A
freebee is basis of commodity-money and credit-investment relations, when
insignificant service or favour grow into a fetish and endless source of
lordship over other people. A freebee is a basic source of such concept, as a
"cost" is in a political economy.
To understand it we will consider a question
from an opposite end.
That is most usual, normal and correct for us? It is an abundance. Well
we did not get used to pay for water, for gas and light, we consider absolutely
normal, that it is necessary to fish in the river, and in-field - to hunt and
gather mushrooms and berries. And in general, we did not get used neither money
to count nor guests on different holidays and anniversaries, and the more
amount of pieces at the table. Unlike the same West-European at that even in a
refrigerator and on a bath shelf all is calculated on a month forward.
We do not consider to help a
neighbour a favour at building of house, to give to him for a time necessary
instrument, wheelbarrow or sand. We did not get used to wash, saving water. We
did not get used to live in cold houses. That it in general for a delirium, how
it can anything in this world take and end? Not to understand it to our scanty
and barbarian brains.
And however it is tried to teach us to the civilised relations, that all
restrictedly in the wild, that soon even water and oxygen will be requiring
payment, not to understand these wisdoms of western economic idea to us. That
is why and our Russian culture of the civilized western colonialists enrages:
in any way sense of gratitude is not inoculated to the Russian aborigines the masters
for that while use such unbelievable and rare values free of charge, as water,
earth and air. And does not even consider them values.
That does not arise up for Russians desire for
the unheard of privileges to pay.
From here and a myth gives birth about love of
Russians to the freebee, as well as reverse of the medal: all in the world
limits and inaccessible, i.e. all resources in the world cost money. So from
nothing, the theory of cost gives birth from a freebee and swag. When the free
of charge becomes requiring payment suddenly.
But western economists wrong. Because an only cost on earth is human
blood. And we paid spaces of the boundless Motherland a just the same price,
and never our ancestors bargained and did not stand after the cost of native
Exactly such is the real nature of our native Russian abundance and
western scarcity. Sorry, aspiring to optimisation of cost.
Time came already to confirm the right our generation
on the use by all boundless and endless natural resources of our country, to
confirm our right on an abundance.
Came to say a hour to the western
multinational corporations: a "freebee ended"!
(*) – the personage of R. L. Stephenson
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