Wednesday, 13 February 2013

This frightful, forbidden word: "mammy".

 In collection of phrases this theme is repeatedly rose, and it would seem not always to the place. Now possibility appeared not only to generalize and also evidently to confirm said.
The question is about the special, almost magic responsibility of woman for forming of family, for harmony and heat of mutual relations in it, for the safe decision of generation gap, for that does a man a man.
 On a superficial look the said can show oneself banal masculine chauvinism, attempt to shift all responsibility on a woman, to make out of her extreme, guilty. But we will hope that a reader will not be limited to the superficial look.
  It is indicated a christian commandment, that a wife must obey the husband. But it is said other commandment and that let large attend to less.
  Understanding by people that a man weaker always yields to the woman, exists, but it is somewhere at the level of funny things. "If a tiger attacked woman, let removed".
 Similar irony ensues from deep misunderstanding to essence of relations between men and women. Men are extremely ashamed to confess the complete insignificance and inability in the question of management by a woman, if she will not wish it  and only until she allows it.
The east customs of violence and slavery ensue exactly from this complex of inferiority, when a woman at any moment can be proposed from home begone without every living. But somehow unnoticed, that this cruel tradition though as elevated an east man or gave to him the effective instrument of influence on a woman.
  Western tradition is analogical, when a woman is simply bought, tempt different beautiful things or simply pump full drugs. A slut for some reason always appears nobler and more influential than the client.
  And, as an extreme degree of masculine chauvinism, aspirations by all means to manage with magic of woman charm, it is needed to mention very strange for us, almost hysterical fear of pederasts before women, when woman vagina equates with the gates of hell, mortally dangerous test for any man.
 Only country, where a woman is deified, belong with homage to all her nice weaknesses and oddities - it is we. And, it is necessary to say, it is an only method to manage with invincible woman magic: to surrender at discretion. Strictly speaking, just like this and the most happy marriages consist.
  But why in marriage exactly must a woman obey man? And because exactly a woman from nature is extremely hard and despotic. A man usually prefers to consult by the friend, a woman always prefers to put before a fact.
  A man can be carried away and lose a head from vodka, drugs, casino or rock beautiful woman, but sobering up, always goes back to a native hearth.
  If a woman leaves from house, she carries away with itself and hearth. And a new woman, coming in a house, fully will transform him in the completely other world, at a the same man and children. While changing of man in a house not especially changes his mode.
  On a woman the career of man depends wholly, it is impossible to be successful in intermingling with other people, and the more to manage them, if it does not pass in regard to an own wife. ("Go, teach the wife to cook cabbage soup”.)
 Moreover, nothing kills a man so easily, quickly and reliably, as a contempt of woman.
 Like it is possible easily to see on historical examples. Dependence of Napoleon from a favour Josephine is known. In general, all first ladies practically without exceptions, played a very important role political life of any country, from the ancient Persia jewish woman Esther, to the wives of presidents of Clinton, Gorbachev, Yushchenko and Medvedev.
  But this rule does not work in reverse direction. At a reigning wife her husband always remains a contemptible consort, size insignificant and pitiful. Is this not best confirmation of natural woman despoticness and authoritarianness, that does destroy any family built on the rough and primitive prevailing of woman inevitably?
  Here can be objection. But are they among women uncomplaining and weak-willed creatures, submissively standing the mockeries of husband, taking beatings above itself and children?
 This objection is far-fetched. A weak-willed and uncomplaining creature is incapable to love, and consequently has nothing in common with christianity. The submission of weak-willed creature is caused by fear, avidity, laziness, but in any way by not humility. And christianity not simply recommends in this case, but hardly and uncompromisingly requires: "leave everything and follow with me". Although to the uncomplaining creature much more comfortably to stand mockeries, than to put an end to them. And in this submission this creature denies christianity not simply, but femininity too.
 After this small review of supervisions and conformities to law we will pass to practical confirmation of said.
  Presently the USA and Europe simply languish from the ulcers of homosexuality, paedophilia and debauch (Parliament of Britain approved gays, Gay’s the States of America), the traditional institute of family, seems, is abysmally destroyed.
  But as it can be, in fact even today the solid stake of population of countries the USA and Europe remembers the that blessed time perfectly, when the breach of faith was considered unusual an event, and divorce, disintegration of family were considered the personal catastrophe. In fact yet now at good enough few of habitants of these "front-rank" countries the best moments of life are associated with the heat of mother hands, such desirable gifts-surprises in her bag and smell something unusually delicious.
  How did they reach to life such?
 Now we will consider the products of industry of Hollywood. It touches literature and publicism similarly, and similarly music and theatre. But the obviously happening on an example cinema is most protuberant.
 What character of woman does offer to us American cinema industry?
Foremost, it is character of rock beautiful woman, like Mareline Monro or Sharon Stone, from that without a mind all surrounding men. It can be Soldier Jane, but much better, if soldier is combined with a rock beautiful woman like Lara Croft.
Some not too clever man said: "beauty will save the world". Presumably, he just prophetically foresaw the giant incomes of business of plastic surgery, and similarly huge demand on beauty from the side of advertisement, cine and other business, in fact beauty in the modern understanding is an excellent liquid asset. In any event is this dominant idea about character of woman.
 Nightspot singer, slut, haughty or eccentric wife - here other model characters of woman. Thus very often a bookless slut appears much more moral and humane, what wife of hero of film from swell society. (For example, to "Change placed", “Pretty woman")
 There is a great number and positive characters of women: it is nice good-natured thick black women from a maid, secretary, faithful battle friends of main heroes-men.
  However, even on the roles of the second plan, even in the most episodic instants or mass meeting you will not meet the proper character of woman-mother.
  All American cine mothers are necessarily irritable, dissatisfied, concerned, drunk, loud, offended and inadequate. They stick, militate, fight, ache, yell and drink. But the stages of simple domestic idyll are under the most frightful censorship, that never was, is not and will be not in regard to the stages of sexual violence, murders and horror.
  For example, in "Terminator" Sara Connor swings, shoots, the course of young fighter passes, writhes in a hysterics and, by the way, all of it very small helps when business comes to the real fight. Between that only, what it would be really necessary her to do, so not to exhaust it itself by ridiculous physical exercises, and to be for the son the real careful and loving mother, to bring up the deserving human beginning in him, give to him wonderful remembrances about the that world for that he will have soon to enter into a fight.
 The fairy-tale of A.S. Pushkin is so remembered: about a weaver and cook, who is impercipient, that main task of woman - to bear an athlete, deserving son, and quite not to win in a show on the best shooter, cook or ranger.
 So, character of mother is under the most strict prohibition in the civilized western culture. And it is a frightful and ominous fact.
   But is it just in relation to men?
  No. Although the masculine heroes of the American cinema too rarely differ in perfection. They are capricious, suspicious, inattentive, awkward. But basic their most widespread defect there is just excessive employment, fascination by work. Do you agree, a very cute defect?
 Moreover, there are fully positive and cute characters of exemplary fathers-heroes, like Chuck Norris or Bruce Willis, that manage fully harmoniously to combine family and work. It, certainly, rareness, thus, usually characteristic for revenge-movies, when a protagonist either takes revenge on or liberates hostages for terrorists. But fact present: positive character of the real domestic man, thus not driveling and aching, and fully mature and adequate – IS ADMITS.
  How can it be?
 This conclusion it is possible to unseal and hang up in a scope in every family:
 The creators of new world order above everything are afraid of simple word "mama". Are afraid so panicky, that blotted out him from all modern works of art. Are afraid of more Jesus Christ, that they were able successfully to garble and modify.
  Because a word "mama" and lie are incompatible. A mother always sees a lie through. Forgetting about a mother, a man stops to be a man.
  Exactly from here "ancient" curses go on a mother. From here an insult goes "mother sonny", when a child is trained, that to love and obey mother - it is ashamed. From here the custom of separation of child goes from a mother, as though she "does" for his martial spirit. Corrupts certainly, inoculating immunity against authority of covey of raging dregs.
 A role is notable in this question of the soviet cinema. Unlike modern Russian cinema belching up a continuous base-alloy abomination.
 In practically any soviet cinema character of mother, Motherland-mother stood by oneself. In "Officers" a basic with a plot role curls round an officer mother and wife. In "Wedding in a redbreast" mother and wife, waiting soldier home is a mainline in a plot. In the kind half of revolutionary and soldiery songs the question is not about a battle friend, namely about a wife-mother that waits a defender home, rocks a cradle and far goes out to meet with a little son long-awaited.
  And here a soviet art costs much higher, than all pillars of notorious Russian literature with their problems of "superfluous people" and "rays of light in a dark reign".
 In fact even christian love yields the road of maternal love, and Christian Church will bend to seniority of institute of maternity.
  A  man that does not love the mother will never love Jesus Christ.
  Moreover, a mossy and experience recidivist winding off on camps and stages all disgraceful and useless life, but able to begin to cry at a word "mother", costs incomparably higher on the degree of the moral development, what any successful and highly educated multisexual it.
  Simply surprisingly: just the most unhappy and wretched people, like our incorrigible criminals, saint honour the cult of worship and gratitude to the mother that will never betray and will not condemn, that can trust whatever, that will accept you to any.
  But this ancient saving folk wisdom a long ago is changed by the West on the forfeits of prosperity and doubtful comfort. How long can America stretch on the imported children, if the institute of mother is almost liquidated?
  In fact one-only task of woman - to become a careful and loving mother, what in the future even only one man in the world, among all madnesses and adversities, remembered about that is a main and only human norm of behavior.

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