article is based on opinion of S.Glasiev, outspoken on the TV channel RBC on
January, 31 of current year. (In a network interviews did not lay out while)
Thus it
should be noted fact: on the channel of RBC take an interview for an open
antiliberal, "not economist", thus without every contemptuous pulling
and mockeries, fully respectfully and in earnest.
already self on itself testifies to the serious deep changes in the bowels of
the earth of Russian politics and mediasphere.
most notable to me the thesis of S.Glasiev appeared about the new technological
mode, that, according to him, is the matter of the nearest future.
not in a course basic perspective developments of the Russian and international
scientists and industrialists, here I can be laid only on opinion of this man.
Although cleanly in theory quite obviously, that modern technological
possibilities allow to accomplish a radical jerk in the field of the labour
productivity and level of providing with of population the different blessing,
thus this jerk artificially restrains temper international monopolies and
parasitic financial structures.
that this jerk so actual and topical, understanding came from S.Glasiev.
By a
key idea that is fundamentally able to change the surrounding world and really
able to justify a thesis about the "post-industrial” technological mode
there is a cardinal change of our traditional ideas about tenures of employment
of all without an exception industrial wares and possibilities of height of the
labour productivity.
I would like to pay attention to complete inapplicableness of modern money-book-keeping
methods account and monetary economic presentations for such mode.
comparison we will take a next example. Let before produced 2 pipes, now only
1, but by tenure of employment in 10
times anymore. Obviously, that the real production grew in 5 times, while the
physical (actual in the USSR, in what his substantial defect) tumbled into 2
times, thus accordingly the production of coal and metal fell down similarly.
the point of view of market, satisfaction of requirement in pipes and reduction
of amount of sales result in an analogical result is a decline of money indexes,
consumptions and welfares, GDP. For non-admission what and politics of deficit
comes true, to inaccessibility of quality and hi-tech commodities capable for a
long time and qualitatively to satisfy the requirement of man in anything.
other words, the necessities of management and motivation at new technological
level are included in direct contradiction with a traditional economic doctrine
and systems of record-keeping and statistics.
the new technological mode requires the not simply multiple increase of the
labour, changes in a copyright and forming of economy of knowledge
productivity. He, foremost, requires new economic conception, new understanding
of value, utility and cost.
we will never get rid from the concept of "billow" of industrial
society senselessly milling priceless natural resources in the most ordinary
near this new conception of cost must the base going become account of degree
of satisfaction of one or another necessities of man. Exactly similar consumer
indexes and models must come on changing to the exchange indexes and financial
it means similarly gradual narrowing and expulsing of basic functions of money,
as measured costs, riches and main public incentive factor.
And other way consonant with scientific and
technical progress does not exist. A traditional economic model became
reactionary, retentive further development of society.
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