Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Hierarchy or slavery?

  In two my recent articles the question was about opposite, seemed incompatible tendencies.
In the article "Labour is a no longer commodity" the question was that modern society becomes more hierarchic, an all less than place in him is to the market relations, competition and trade, an all greater role is played by connections, belonging to the elite, to the certain oligarchic circles or even presence among them of acquaintances, relatives or friends.
Thus recently saw good confirmation to said (it is sorry memorized neither a resource nor name of author, if who knows, I ask to specify in a comment), sketching from the USA, where the extremely hard hierarchicalness of workers was marked on the described enterprise. The black executed the mainly most primitive work, Mexicans and Latinoses went after, while a white anglo-saxon and jewries crowned a pyramid. Thus this deep segregation is so usual and natural phenomenon, that her almost and did not notice.
 Besides the indicated segregation on a national and racial sign, present presence of hard inter states hierarchy: the entire countries of the world it can line up on ranks. For example, Poland contemptuously behave to Russians and Ukrainians, but fawn on Germans. Germans (reluctantly, but where to go?) fawn on frenchmen and englishmen. Frenchmen already almost imagine itself mille-feuilles, only if not impudent englishmen.
 And so every nation (and more precisely at her elite) has a place in this global hierarchy. Thus to rise and change the level of "states" hierarchy, even changing citizenship, the place of inhabitation is impossible. It maybe only through matrimonial procedures, i.e. becoming related with mighty of this world.
That is why simple poor, but white American down looks for the whole world. He despises any foreign nouveau riche even simply because personally for him way in strong the world far shorter: and to have a marriage, and even to force one's way through in close to the elite layers through different merits for him considerably higher, than for the most sneaky and talented foreigner.
  If to all said to add deep stratification of the world population on the level of education, availability of the most elementary knowledge and material possibilities, then the deep segregation of modern society excels all world precedents like India or ancient slavery. Where slaves had the very real opportunity to get rid from the slave role in current (for example, in the period of Roman Saturnalia) or future (by a reincarnation) life.
  It does not light modern slaves even in future life, because they disbelieve in it. So we fluently passed to the theme of other article of "Slavery bet". If very briefly, then it fixes logical, maximum development of thesis about maximal liberalization of idea about a commodity, as about labour, as an inevitable renaissance of slavery. In passing working out such actual problems as providing of credit money, mortgage, providing of interests of creditor due to a sale in slavery of debtor, and similarly new concept about a value.
  Based on such really non-trivial concept, as human life.
  This tendency is similarly confirmed by the stormily developing markets of trading in people. It even not trading in children, women or human organs thus, though it and model enough, stormily developing this market segment.
  Restoration of the most disgraceful and primitive slavery shows up in the institute of gastarbeiters, in his so rapid development, that soon already considerable part of world GDP will be produced due to these slaves with the beautiful and in the latest style name. Thus model: even enterprises, using labour of local population all anymore uses the so-called "watch-based method", denying a human right on a weekend and 8-hours working day. To talk about a human right on family is not in general.
 Thus, after beautiful words and slogans we can look after a return in the most deaf and hammered middle ages, servitude and human slavery.
 But as mate these, seemed, two mutually exclusive tendencies? If does one talk about a getting strong hierarchy, other - about slavery?
  For understanding it is expedient to appeal to the third article "About inspectors". in that progress of control system and control trends are analysed and drawn conclusion, that control efficiency a long ago prevails above efficiency of management. That all modern paradigm of management is sharpened on a management by weak-willed and wholly manipulated slaves. That is fully logically and, maybe, even effectively enough in case of introduction of the total electronic checking systems above people.
  In other words, two oppositions meet in the total. I.е. even those "happy" representatives of middle class, that will manage despite the gloomy prognoses of M.Hasin to save the warm place in the hierarchical system, not knocked down to the level of weak-willed slave, the external attributes of freedom and respectability inherent to the middle class of the leaving world will save purely superficial.
 All will have a collars. Adenophoras may be different.

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