Tuesday, 10 September 2013

What is a consumer really want?

   Due to Philip Cotler the whole profession of marketing specialists that investigate consumer preferences appeared in modern society. Probably, the best of all next quotation will describe a situation:
When this book was printed, we just returned from a two-day session, where they engaged in cerebral assault together with the employees of a few American companies, being leaders in the production of consumer goods. Our aim: to work out conception of new panary foods for breakfast of persons of ripe years. To do it, we, foremost, collected vast information about preferences and inclinations of people of different generations - times of depression, post-war and boom of birth-rate.
Then we gathered in the middle of the Arizonan desert and worked out hundreds of new conceptions. Now we must take away dozen from them, polish, and then send on the multilevel consumer testing and revision. If success will accompany to us, then, from benediction of consumers, in the total this difficult and hard process one or two successful new products can appear, that will take the place on the plentiful panary wares shelves of your supermarket. [1]
 Further there is enough a bit of imagination, to imagine millions of specialists who works hard on the field of researches: what headlights anymore to liking to the motor-car enthusiasts, narrow or rounded; what noses at a shoe are optimal: sharp or dull; with the aftertaste of what foods it is necessary to produce chips or which balance of bitter taste and sweetness of the "real" beer is etc. and etc.
  All these researches are wholly laid in conception of inventor of new sandwich. Only if an ordinary housewife, thinking of a new dish, is fully satisfied by modest praise of the folks, then proud marketing specialist certainly to try to make happy by the product all humanity.
  But can there be this desire fully innocently? That bad in that, to investigate human tastes, to offer to us the most optimal commodities, to satisfy whims and necessities? Even if are these whims sometimes irresponsible and even harmful? In fact for that and is there Freedom of Will, what bad in such her embodiment, how is Consumer Choice?
  Eventually, to the author of conception of abundance and of surplus labour, and consequently and every resources on a planet not to the person to spare about dissipating of surplus human potential on the invention of new models of sandwich. There is yet variants of useful employment?
  Yes, it is. And at the valuable understanding of responsibility of humanity for a variety and harmony of life on Earth, our huge labour and productive resources quite not seem such boundless.
   But the article is sanctified to not this point.
   The point is that answer for the question "what is consumer really want?" exists. Moreover, he is very simple.
  What is wanted by an car owner? That a car never broke, and yet better, that it would be eternal, it’s maintenance needed to be conducted one time in 100 year, or yet rarer. And at such condition he is ready to bear with the double or even triple overrun of fuel as compared to "modern" models.
   What is wanted by a house owner? That windows, doors, furniture, roof, caldrons, sanitary engineering, pipes and faucets, never required repair.
   What is wanted by a man? That his shaving machine-tool never became dull. That this was a not trinket, and real THING, that really has a value that can be passed on an inheritance, that possesses an UNLIMITED benefit.
   The same is wanted by the proprietors of refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, washing-machines etc. and etc.
  No, certainly pleasantly, when every a few years the park of cars renovates or the set of more advanced electronic gadgets appears. But similarly obviously, that ability to surprise a satiate novelties consumer more and more is lost. And here it is again appropriate to quote guru from marketing:
I much reflected and wrote about importance of service to the customers - and came to the conclusion, that the secret of success with a competition consists in providing to the consumers of such services that would exceed their expectations far, so that it became legend. Many managers open for itself again magic force of verbal praise, realizing that earning her is possible, if that you do, exceeds expectations of your potential customers.
Attention to the needs and problems of customers can become basis of differentiation of commodity that would become one of ordinary commodities of mass demand differently. This approach will provide a large market share and will bring in more returns. [1]
   In other words, in order that to make success in business, it is needed to be able to catch the imagination of consumers. Thus not once, not twice, and on regular basis.
I    think obviously, that all those, who simple-hearted follows this logic of every guru from an economy and marketing, an inevitable crash waits. Nobody is impossible infinitely to like to the capricious consumer, the tiredness of spectator is always inexorable, regardless of level of talent of vaudeville star. Whatever appearance and voice she would possess.
    And the more, if the question is not about stars, and about banal material things.
   Therefore to the real successful people of business deeply to spit on what is really wanted by a capricious and unbearable consumer. Vice versa, they in every way attach him to the foods, brands and services, do suggestion from that a consumer is unable to refuse. Under a beautiful rhetoric about a sacred and inviolable consumer choice, they eliminate it fully.
   What is really wanted by a consumer? Freedom from a producer. He wants to do such purchase after that a requirement in a producer will disappear almost fully. In an ideal a consumer dreams about a refrigerator in that will in itself appear the desired foods, about a car that does not need the filling and maintenance station, about a house there is not a necessity to do cleaning up in that itself heats and provides with needments.
   Or, that the same, about magic tablecloth, carpet-airplane, self-propelled stove of daring Emelya, knee-boots fast runners and other brilliant inventions of Russian folk work.
    But most important, our civilization close got around that all these fairy-tale things can become reality in a flash. Only enough to domesticate a thermonuclear synthesis.
    But where to be given after this wond erful event to the unhappy producer? Who will  need a presidents, bankers or oligarchs, if everybody will be able to provide itself? What will humanity do with this extraordinary freedom?
   That is why truly does child's question "what is consumer  really want?" chronically remains without an answer, and scientists and producers with a profound kind point shade on a wattle-fence. Who will be needed of them in real after industrial society?
   That is why civilization gradually goes down from a way, laid yet by Henry Ford and his legendary cars which main dignity was a technical unpretentiousness, toward expensive, pretentious, but of the little use trinkets. Commodities, with simply improperly by short space of the useful use.
   A consumers needs fetters. And it is not important, what consumers really wants. 

[1] - Course МВА on marketing / Charles D. Shiv, Alexander Watson of Hyam /  М.: Alpina Publisher, 2003. - 717 p.

Monday, 15 July 2013

That, if is Putin a traitor?

   Such statement of a question came to a head taking into account two key prognoses on 2013 (refer). It is retirement of government of Medvedev, completion of the too long  period of "new economic policy" and starting of active state building, first of all in an industrial and scientific and technical sphere. The second key prognosis is final determination of Ukraine in the "multivector" and decisive side-step economic association with Russia.
   Thus exactly in such order, absence of advance in purging of the White house of government from liberals automatically means also absence of advance in relationships with Ukraine. That, strictly speaking, and taking place.
   All of it together means an impermissible delay on business of reunion of the Great Country, omission of unique window of possibility, when weakening and employment of our geopolitical opponents in other regions of the world (Middle and Far East) allows to win back a gold card that can become decision in all game.
  Similarly it should be noted that 3-5 years later a generation growing after disintegration of the USSR will come to power, who has acquaintance with it exceptionally after nationalistic propaganda, fairy-tales about poverty, corruption and total deficit.
   In the total Ukraine will be finally lost for the Orthodox Christians world, as once Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece of and other, that once did not "blend" in imperial politics of Nikolay I, anymore caring of channels and advantageous soldiery unions, than about the fate of brotherly people with hope asking Russian citizenship. It is presently possible to establish practically a complete failure in part of realization of optimistic prognoses on 2013.
     Consequently, there is a necessity to consider a variant, that Putin is a traitor, freely or involuntarily playing the side of anglo-saxon and the same successfully blackout any probability of origin authentic, but not false public leader.
   That does follow, if to come from this assumption? Firstly, it means new color of Russia on the map of the world (refer), it becomes from the hearth of resistance to a secret accomplice of the enemy. And because to suppose that China or Iran are the independent and threatening opponents of the USA odd enough, then a situation turns out, that the USA continue to remain world predominant power, and all their current weakening, widely advertised crash of dollar and economic collapse - no more, than prop and playing the public.
    From here the important follows secondly. In the conditions of absence of authentic, but not props, geopolitical rivals all current affairs of the West are taken to the banal stripping of territory, but not real difficult chess party with a deserving opponent. And a filling the soreness of the mouth financial crash is a role of banal alibi, excuse of complete non-participation of the USA to the threatening clouds that gathers on Middle and Far East.
   Accordingly, there is Putin a traitor or no, it will become maximum clear from character of coming world war. If Russia is the hidden accomplice of the West, then by the most simple and effective method of elimination of institutes of the state, industrial infrastructure and radical reduction of population there is small nuclear war. Besides ecologically enough by a clean method, what experience of Hiroshima and Nagasaki testifies to. From here flows out straight, who is advantageous and why creation is needed by Iran of nuclear weapon of the local setting.
   And only in case that the main opponent of the West is the powerful, perfectly armed state, becomes highly sought tactician of "wasp's swarm", great great number of "pirates of the desert", sharpening stability and unity of that yet too big country, that remained. How much benefit from jets and nuclear rockets in a fight against the bands of terrorists, densely meeting with a local population, or even in a fight against the small states, type of Afghanistan, does that support hits?
In this case only means are inflexible and ideological convinced commissars with revolvers, and  now at Russia they are a big shortage.
  Nevertheless more arguments are in behalf on the second scenario. Exactly Russia stands on the way of realization of all soldiery plans the USA, inflicting fully perceptible harm to them. But the point of no return is not passed and all can fully change. To what the schizophrenia plans of defence of Europe testify from the Iranian rockets.
   We will mark, what only in case of treachery of Russia becomes reasonable politics of Ukraine on an association with ЕС. The same, let by the cost of destruction of economy, juvenile justice, dictatorship of homosexuals and study of ridiculous artificial language (very distant from "Рiдної мови" Т.Г. Shevchenko), Ukraine appears back from territory of the global stripping. And it nevertheless some rather better, what it was in the Hitler concentration camp.
   Thus, situation very unsteady. Not eliminated, that to the last the West continues to wait a choice from V.V.Putin and abandons actual both variants.
  But time goes, a pause delays and the choice of the future is formed already regardless of nobody will. Whether there will be character of new world war to have the appearance of the continuous stripping of territory, or bites of "wasp's swarm" of numberless bands of terrorists, will decide after the date of signing (or unsigning) of agreement of association of Ukraine with ЕС. Anyhow in a current year.
   Certainly, it does not mean treachery of V.V.Putin automatically. In fact can take place both ordinary human error and loss of control above a situation. Moreover, begone how many experts testify to the necessity of forming of own clubbish set, about harmfulness of surplus guardianship in regard to Ukraine (especially "inadequate" "свидомытов", "crests", "западенцев" etc.), coming to the direct malevolence (we will "look, as will begin to sing, when we will disconnect gas"!), assertions that Russia perfectly will be able to treat and without Ukraine.
   Exactly on it is counted "North" and "South" streams, they eliminate for Ukraine the last possibility for a manoeuvre. But it is done how enough by Russia for bringing in of Ukraine not only the method of "whip" but also "cake", judging is difficult. L.D.Kuchma supposes that no. (refer, refer, refer) I suppose that without cleaning of Russia from a liberal elite all her suggestions about Eurasian integration are insincere.
   All slowly rolls to the first variant of the primitive stripping of territory of leading countries of Asia. But already the nearest future will give a clear answer for all these questions.

Р.S. On motion discovered that did not give an answer for the main question of the article: whether traitor Putin. And what difference? This his personal choice and responsibility before God. It is important for us, that the consequences of his steps (or their absence) every day more become equivalent to treachery.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Why englishmen began to tell the truth?

The row of unexplained events that remind either antichess of anglo-saxon happened lately or something apocalyptic. We will enumerate them briefly.

1. Englishmen began to tell the truth (reference). The question is about honest confession of violent character of death of  Berezovsky, thus humiliating - through hanging.
That did influence on English MASS-MEDIA and special services, that they first for many centuries began in propagandist aims to use a true? It something unheard of. In fact when do liars and scoundrels begin to talk sincerely? Only on confession, when already there is no sense neither in secrets nor in somebody's conviction.
  Really all so badly for an anglo-saxon?

2. An anglo-saxon began the series of actions that it is difficult to interpret otherwise, what as a parade of their global concessions of Russia and to other competitive parties, concessions abutting upon playing antichess. Thus notorious bill of Magnitsky, that in theory must be to join the elite of Russia in a fight against an anglo-saxon appeared inoffensive flowerets. Berries appeared fully concrete is murder of Berezovsky, arrest of Abramovich and more hard control above motion of capitals.
  Up to expropriation of all capitals that why that disagreeable to the anglo-saxon.
  I.е. my ironical prognosis-warning of Ostap Benders (reference) appeared much more exact and ominous, than I it could imagine.

3. In Russia the actions of newly-baked party of Free Russia begin in support Putin, sovereignty and other favourite chips of Evgeny Федорова(special Russian of correct liberalism and special Russian moral elite).

4. Ben Bernanke is under threat of retirement, politics of QE appears extremely ineffective for stimulation economy.

5. Russia and China attained considerable progress in part of friendly relations and economic intercommunications.

  This all said arose up not spontaneously and began to think years back, including will look to the circannual remoteness rollers with participation Evgeny Fedorov, he predicts the like triumphal procession of Russia long before the first signs of today's events.
  In other words, all these events are closely associate, moreover, they - only displays of the same global process. Understanding of that and can open slightly a secret: and what an anglo-saxon was so frightened, that began to tell the truth?
  The first push to solution gave N.Starikov in the article "Meeting of March, 24. Point above i", in that gave the very restrained estimations to the action of Free Russia Party  and Evgeny Fedorov. And this in spite of maximum "delicious" slogans and on the whole right words.
  If more precisely, then what can be expected from the party headed a brother vice-prime of minister Arcadia Dvorkovich? Only dirty trick, only vulgarizations of the name Putin and national motion. In other words, large bourgeoisie of Russia, a the same "new national elite" decided to create the own party and to propagandize her due to the image of Vladimir Vladimirovich.
  Idea quite good, it kills a few hare at once, except the discredit of Putin, as folk leader. Coming of this party to power will mean new restoration of liberalism or imposing support to the government of Medvedev due to all the same working "horse" Putin. And similarly direction of folk energy "in a whistle", in an empty jabber and senseless political actions, while a "new talented elite" will appear a complete surprise for these activists sincerely thinking, that they work in blessing Putin and Russia.
  In other words, if our oligarchs imagined that they were appointed to these positions, that they drank whisky, went for a drive on limousines and married celebrities, then they miscounted hardly. An anglo-saxon put question point blank: either oligarchs become revolutionaries and begin the large playing Russia or on horse-radish they in general are needed. Here from where strange political urges at a new-old "national elite".
   Understanding, that an action of Free Russian Party is initiative of anglo-saxon, trying to take revenge in Russia due to large business that they try to push away with Putin, it is possible to pass to the more stampers.
  That for attraction of extraordinary generosity from the side of anglo-saxon. Yes, I supposed a long ago, that the USA would "sit" down before Russia (reference), that they will be unheard of complaisant and patient to all geopolitical ambitions the last (that is confirmed by our complete obstinacy on Syria, the law of Dima Iakovlev etc. on a background extraordinary politeness and complaisance of Americans, in former times already eating away brains a squeal about violations of rights of man or imperial spiteful plans of Russia).
  But that an anglo-saxon is up now is beyond simple maintenance of proprieties.
  Deoffshorization is actually the end of the English-American model of capitalism, by final transformation her to the most typical USSR as the most ridiculous economic parody. It is the same death of Scrag, that is kept on the tag of the credit-usurious needle hidden on obscure tropical islands.
  Understanding explains it, why the arm-chair of Ben Bernanke reeled. But as could it happen? What did happen, that an anglo-saxon had begun the process of deoffshorization, or, that the same, are self-liquidating? Did they go bughouse?
About impossibility of it I declared repeatedly. And, apparently, wronged. I acknowledge the my wrong in relation to M.Muravjev, M.Hazin and all other, who believed in inevitability of "hyper", hyperinflation of dollar.
  But all one after another.
  That could compel an anglo-saxon to break the own system of world domination, system of collection of contribution, system of inhibitions and counterbalances, system of carrot and stick, - that signifies modern bank ransacking on Cyprus? From the relatively tolerant system of the financial monitoring an anglo-saxon passed to actual lawlessness. To meaning in fact passing to the most typical soviet "official" course of dollar and course market.
And similarly to the operations of " cash-out" and "cash-in " crossflows of dollar from "white" and "black" contours of appeal.
"Deoffshorization " means a loss the dollar the status of freely-convertible currency. Here are all grounds, to call a confessor.
 But how it could be?
 There are two basic instruments: whip and cake (at least in regard to our geopolitical opponents).
 Quite clear, that Russia (and her allies) is unable to offer more tasty and tempting cake, than narrower an anglo-saxon have me. The independent and powerful banking system, powerful authoritative currency and large circle of economic contractors, is needed for this purpose. It exactly is not present.
There is a whip. I.е. an anglo-saxon force thus to react on some threat. We will consider, what here are variants.
  We will suppose that this threat consists in the threat of loss of control above some resources (by raw material, technologies, knowledge, corporate or patent laws).
 This thesis can cause a smile: Russia, Iran, countries of Latin America and China, has more than enough sources of raw materials, that the question was exactly about them. The threat of losses of knowledge, technologies or intellectual ownership rights sounds no less naively. Who administers this market it is well known.
  But can be then it is an exchange, how does like to name the similar transactions of N.Starikov? But what did we such yield to the anglo-saxon, deserving their actual hara-kiri? Not to mention about that we first for long years we have a hard enough external political line.
 The more it is a not trick. That does an anglo-saxon win in a game itself, limiting moving and convertibility of external and internal dollar? Only large problems.
  Can there be it politics? Do our special services actively finance different political motions in the west, like "Occupy Wall Street", therefore an anglo-saxon forced to put filters, including on Cyprus?
  A version does not maintain criticism too, because for prevention of similar threats there is fully enough work of counter-intelligence and police. Not to mention about the army of voluntarily American and European informants and narks. But to fell convertibility of dollar for this purpose, put all banking system under a threat?
  Therefore there is only a direct threat of "hyper". An anglo-saxon can decide to close offshore only on one-only reason: they will become him unprofitable and dangerous. And only such is rational explanations of the known events on Cyprus.
  It is here needed to do retreat. How can we do an economic diversion against the USA? It can be it is needed to buy up what that assets (gold, oil, steel, grain)? It is foolish, because only will result in the economy growing in those branches and regions, where these foods are produced. Can play the exchanges, forming flights and falling fund and financial indexes? It yet more foolishly, because in this world of financial the world behind the looking-glass the administrator of global exchange server have all possibilities for indemnification of any sudden attack.
  Amount of zeros on a keyboard without restriction.
  Does the collapse of economy can will cause the sharp outflow of capital? And here there is vigilant Ben Bernanke on a guard, he is always ready to print so much dollars, how many went away.
  Therefore by the ONLY method to cause to fall the economy of the USA there is a sudden attack to the commodity markets, thus not only external but also internal. Attack that will wash off all commodities and will cause a sharp price advance and deficit. And, as soon as a trust to the dollar will be undermined, he will lose the status of world key currency with all effluent consequences.
  Still not sure that it is an optimal exit from the situation of world hegemony of the USA, double not sure that the USA and their owners are so foolish, that it admits such collapse. But fact of such threat present. The threat of hyperinflation of dollar really became the major factor of worldwide policy.
  And here is only one explanation. (A credible union of Russia and China is an important factor, but not decision). Russia carefully prepared to the attack against a dollar. And for this purpose it was necessary secretively and secretly to save considerable backlogs of available dollar. Thus not destroying from the banking system the USA and Europe, not "spoiling" their anti-american essence.
  That is why there was such strange recession, when on a background conversations about a QE  an economy showed all signs of the financial draining of blood, demonstrated maximum ineffectiveness of money inflowing in an economy. Simply a parasite that destroyed all products of Ben-helicopter from an appeal stuck to the American economy.
And now an anglo-saxon felt all danger of sudden blow of this cash on hand on a commodity market. And that is why limited convertibility of dollar. While in an Eurozone, but I think it necessarily will spread to all offshore zone. And liquidation of "black" contour of appeal of dollar automatically gives up for lost on his status, as world key currency. And converts him into "wooden".
  This version is similarly confirmed by illogical  conversations that on the Cyprian crisis Russia will lose most. So, there nevertheless there were our facilities, ready to the attack against a dollar or his derivatives like an euro, pound or franc.
  I will underline once again, that situation with hyper is improbable and undesirable for all agents world trade. But a threat of hyper dollar is a major factor of making decisions of today's geopolitical players. Thus the only standing converting of this threat is this reunion of Ukraine with Russia, and similarly and other brotherly countries of our Great Motherland. And this great event more becomes visible.
  So it turned out that the article had gone out by almost euphoric, it is therefore needed to make a reservation. Our today's successes are not beginning, it is a hint of coming heavy and glorious way only. On that necessarily there will be flights and falling. Remains to repeat said not once: "Enemy will be broken. Victory will be with us".

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Hierarchy or slavery?

  In two my recent articles the question was about opposite, seemed incompatible tendencies.
In the article "Labour is a no longer commodity" the question was that modern society becomes more hierarchic, an all less than place in him is to the market relations, competition and trade, an all greater role is played by connections, belonging to the elite, to the certain oligarchic circles or even presence among them of acquaintances, relatives or friends.
Thus recently saw good confirmation to said (it is sorry memorized neither a resource nor name of author, if who knows, I ask to specify in a comment), sketching from the USA, where the extremely hard hierarchicalness of workers was marked on the described enterprise. The black executed the mainly most primitive work, Mexicans and Latinoses went after, while a white anglo-saxon and jewries crowned a pyramid. Thus this deep segregation is so usual and natural phenomenon, that her almost and did not notice.
 Besides the indicated segregation on a national and racial sign, present presence of hard inter states hierarchy: the entire countries of the world it can line up on ranks. For example, Poland contemptuously behave to Russians and Ukrainians, but fawn on Germans. Germans (reluctantly, but where to go?) fawn on frenchmen and englishmen. Frenchmen already almost imagine itself mille-feuilles, only if not impudent englishmen.
 And so every nation (and more precisely at her elite) has a place in this global hierarchy. Thus to rise and change the level of "states" hierarchy, even changing citizenship, the place of inhabitation is impossible. It maybe only through matrimonial procedures, i.e. becoming related with mighty of this world.
That is why simple poor, but white American down looks for the whole world. He despises any foreign nouveau riche even simply because personally for him way in strong the world far shorter: and to have a marriage, and even to force one's way through in close to the elite layers through different merits for him considerably higher, than for the most sneaky and talented foreigner.
  If to all said to add deep stratification of the world population on the level of education, availability of the most elementary knowledge and material possibilities, then the deep segregation of modern society excels all world precedents like India or ancient slavery. Where slaves had the very real opportunity to get rid from the slave role in current (for example, in the period of Roman Saturnalia) or future (by a reincarnation) life.
  It does not light modern slaves even in future life, because they disbelieve in it. So we fluently passed to the theme of other article of "Slavery bet". If very briefly, then it fixes logical, maximum development of thesis about maximal liberalization of idea about a commodity, as about labour, as an inevitable renaissance of slavery. In passing working out such actual problems as providing of credit money, mortgage, providing of interests of creditor due to a sale in slavery of debtor, and similarly new concept about a value.
  Based on such really non-trivial concept, as human life.
  This tendency is similarly confirmed by the stormily developing markets of trading in people. It even not trading in children, women or human organs thus, though it and model enough, stormily developing this market segment.
  Restoration of the most disgraceful and primitive slavery shows up in the institute of gastarbeiters, in his so rapid development, that soon already considerable part of world GDP will be produced due to these slaves with the beautiful and in the latest style name. Thus model: even enterprises, using labour of local population all anymore uses the so-called "watch-based method", denying a human right on a weekend and 8-hours working day. To talk about a human right on family is not in general.
 Thus, after beautiful words and slogans we can look after a return in the most deaf and hammered middle ages, servitude and human slavery.
 But as mate these, seemed, two mutually exclusive tendencies? If does one talk about a getting strong hierarchy, other - about slavery?
  For understanding it is expedient to appeal to the third article "About inspectors". in that progress of control system and control trends are analysed and drawn conclusion, that control efficiency a long ago prevails above efficiency of management. That all modern paradigm of management is sharpened on a management by weak-willed and wholly manipulated slaves. That is fully logically and, maybe, even effectively enough in case of introduction of the total electronic checking systems above people.
  In other words, two oppositions meet in the total. I.е. even those "happy" representatives of middle class, that will manage despite the gloomy prognoses of M.Hasin to save the warm place in the hierarchical system, not knocked down to the level of weak-willed slave, the external attributes of freedom and respectability inherent to the middle class of the leaving world will save purely superficial.
 All will have a collars. Adenophoras may be different.

About the new technological mode.

  This article is based on opinion of S.Glasiev, outspoken on the TV channel RBC on January, 31 of current year. (In a network interviews did not lay out while)
 Thus it should be noted fact: on the channel of RBC take an interview for an open antiliberal, "not economist", thus without every contemptuous pulling and mockeries, fully respectfully and in earnest.
 It already self on itself testifies to the serious deep changes in the bowels of the earth of Russian politics and mediasphere.
  But most notable to me the thesis of S.Glasiev appeared about the new technological mode, that, according to him, is the matter of the nearest future.
  Being not in a course basic perspective developments of the Russian and international scientists and industrialists, here I can be laid only on opinion of this man. Although cleanly in theory quite obviously, that modern technological possibilities allow to accomplish a radical jerk in the field of the labour productivity and level of providing with of population the different blessing, thus this jerk artificially restrains temper international monopolies and parasitic financial structures.
  But that this jerk so actual and topical, understanding came from S.Glasiev.
  By a key idea that is fundamentally able to change the surrounding world and really able to justify a thesis about the "post-industrial” technological mode there is a cardinal change of our traditional ideas about tenures of employment of all without an exception industrial wares and possibilities of height of the labour productivity.
  However, I would like to pay attention to complete inapplicableness of modern money-book-keeping methods account and monetary economic presentations for such mode.
  For comparison we will take a next example. Let before produced 2 pipes, now only 1, but by  tenure of employment in 10 times anymore. Obviously, that the real production grew in 5 times, while the physical (actual in the USSR, in what his substantial defect) tumbled into 2 times, thus accordingly the production of coal and metal fell down similarly.
  From the point of view of market, satisfaction of requirement in pipes and reduction of amount of sales result in an analogical result is a decline of money indexes, consumptions and welfares, GDP. For non-admission what and politics of deficit comes true, to inaccessibility of quality and hi-tech commodities capable for a long time and qualitatively to satisfy the requirement of man in anything.
  In other words, the necessities of management and motivation at new technological level are included in direct contradiction with a traditional economic doctrine and systems of record-keeping and statistics.
  Consequently, the new technological mode requires the not simply multiple increase of the labour, changes in a copyright and forming of economy of knowledge productivity. He, foremost, requires new economic conception, new understanding of value, utility and cost.
  Otherwise we will never get rid from the concept of "billow" of industrial society senselessly milling priceless natural resources in the most ordinary garbage.
  And near this new conception of cost must the base going become account of degree of satisfaction of one or another necessities of man. Exactly similar consumer indexes and models must come on changing to the exchange indexes and financial models.
  Certainly, it means similarly gradual narrowing and expulsing of basic functions of money, as measured costs, riches and main public incentive factor.
And other way consonant with scientific and technical progress does not exist. A traditional economic model became reactionary, retentive further development of society.

This frightful, forbidden word: "mammy".

 In collection of phrases this theme is repeatedly rose, and it would seem not always to the place. Now possibility appeared not only to generalize and also evidently to confirm said.
The question is about the special, almost magic responsibility of woman for forming of family, for harmony and heat of mutual relations in it, for the safe decision of generation gap, for that does a man a man.
 On a superficial look the said can show oneself banal masculine chauvinism, attempt to shift all responsibility on a woman, to make out of her extreme, guilty. But we will hope that a reader will not be limited to the superficial look.
  It is indicated a christian commandment, that a wife must obey the husband. But it is said other commandment and that let large attend to less.
  Understanding by people that a man weaker always yields to the woman, exists, but it is somewhere at the level of funny things. "If a tiger attacked woman, let removed".
 Similar irony ensues from deep misunderstanding to essence of relations between men and women. Men are extremely ashamed to confess the complete insignificance and inability in the question of management by a woman, if she will not wish it  and only until she allows it.
The east customs of violence and slavery ensue exactly from this complex of inferiority, when a woman at any moment can be proposed from home begone without every living. But somehow unnoticed, that this cruel tradition though as elevated an east man or gave to him the effective instrument of influence on a woman.
  Western tradition is analogical, when a woman is simply bought, tempt different beautiful things or simply pump full drugs. A slut for some reason always appears nobler and more influential than the client.
  And, as an extreme degree of masculine chauvinism, aspirations by all means to manage with magic of woman charm, it is needed to mention very strange for us, almost hysterical fear of pederasts before women, when woman vagina equates with the gates of hell, mortally dangerous test for any man.
 Only country, where a woman is deified, belong with homage to all her nice weaknesses and oddities - it is we. And, it is necessary to say, it is an only method to manage with invincible woman magic: to surrender at discretion. Strictly speaking, just like this and the most happy marriages consist.
  But why in marriage exactly must a woman obey man? And because exactly a woman from nature is extremely hard and despotic. A man usually prefers to consult by the friend, a woman always prefers to put before a fact.
  A man can be carried away and lose a head from vodka, drugs, casino or rock beautiful woman, but sobering up, always goes back to a native hearth.
  If a woman leaves from house, she carries away with itself and hearth. And a new woman, coming in a house, fully will transform him in the completely other world, at a the same man and children. While changing of man in a house not especially changes his mode.
  On a woman the career of man depends wholly, it is impossible to be successful in intermingling with other people, and the more to manage them, if it does not pass in regard to an own wife. ("Go, teach the wife to cook cabbage soup”.)
 Moreover, nothing kills a man so easily, quickly and reliably, as a contempt of woman.
 Like it is possible easily to see on historical examples. Dependence of Napoleon from a favour Josephine is known. In general, all first ladies practically without exceptions, played a very important role political life of any country, from the ancient Persia jewish woman Esther, to the wives of presidents of Clinton, Gorbachev, Yushchenko and Medvedev.
  But this rule does not work in reverse direction. At a reigning wife her husband always remains a contemptible consort, size insignificant and pitiful. Is this not best confirmation of natural woman despoticness and authoritarianness, that does destroy any family built on the rough and primitive prevailing of woman inevitably?
  Here can be objection. But are they among women uncomplaining and weak-willed creatures, submissively standing the mockeries of husband, taking beatings above itself and children?
 This objection is far-fetched. A weak-willed and uncomplaining creature is incapable to love, and consequently has nothing in common with christianity. The submission of weak-willed creature is caused by fear, avidity, laziness, but in any way by not humility. And christianity not simply recommends in this case, but hardly and uncompromisingly requires: "leave everything and follow with me". Although to the uncomplaining creature much more comfortably to stand mockeries, than to put an end to them. And in this submission this creature denies christianity not simply, but femininity too.
 After this small review of supervisions and conformities to law we will pass to practical confirmation of said.
  Presently the USA and Europe simply languish from the ulcers of homosexuality, paedophilia and debauch (Parliament of Britain approved gays, Gay’s the States of America), the traditional institute of family, seems, is abysmally destroyed.
  But as it can be, in fact even today the solid stake of population of countries the USA and Europe remembers the that blessed time perfectly, when the breach of faith was considered unusual an event, and divorce, disintegration of family were considered the personal catastrophe. In fact yet now at good enough few of habitants of these "front-rank" countries the best moments of life are associated with the heat of mother hands, such desirable gifts-surprises in her bag and smell something unusually delicious.
  How did they reach to life such?
 Now we will consider the products of industry of Hollywood. It touches literature and publicism similarly, and similarly music and theatre. But the obviously happening on an example cinema is most protuberant.
 What character of woman does offer to us American cinema industry?
Foremost, it is character of rock beautiful woman, like Mareline Monro or Sharon Stone, from that without a mind all surrounding men. It can be Soldier Jane, but much better, if soldier is combined with a rock beautiful woman like Lara Croft.
Some not too clever man said: "beauty will save the world". Presumably, he just prophetically foresaw the giant incomes of business of plastic surgery, and similarly huge demand on beauty from the side of advertisement, cine and other business, in fact beauty in the modern understanding is an excellent liquid asset. In any event is this dominant idea about character of woman.
 Nightspot singer, slut, haughty or eccentric wife - here other model characters of woman. Thus very often a bookless slut appears much more moral and humane, what wife of hero of film from swell society. (For example, to "Change placed", “Pretty woman")
 There is a great number and positive characters of women: it is nice good-natured thick black women from a maid, secretary, faithful battle friends of main heroes-men.
  However, even on the roles of the second plan, even in the most episodic instants or mass meeting you will not meet the proper character of woman-mother.
  All American cine mothers are necessarily irritable, dissatisfied, concerned, drunk, loud, offended and inadequate. They stick, militate, fight, ache, yell and drink. But the stages of simple domestic idyll are under the most frightful censorship, that never was, is not and will be not in regard to the stages of sexual violence, murders and horror.
  For example, in "Terminator" Sara Connor swings, shoots, the course of young fighter passes, writhes in a hysterics and, by the way, all of it very small helps when business comes to the real fight. Between that only, what it would be really necessary her to do, so not to exhaust it itself by ridiculous physical exercises, and to be for the son the real careful and loving mother, to bring up the deserving human beginning in him, give to him wonderful remembrances about the that world for that he will have soon to enter into a fight.
 The fairy-tale of A.S. Pushkin is so remembered: about a weaver and cook, who is impercipient, that main task of woman - to bear an athlete, deserving son, and quite not to win in a show on the best shooter, cook or ranger.
 So, character of mother is under the most strict prohibition in the civilized western culture. And it is a frightful and ominous fact.
   But is it just in relation to men?
  No. Although the masculine heroes of the American cinema too rarely differ in perfection. They are capricious, suspicious, inattentive, awkward. But basic their most widespread defect there is just excessive employment, fascination by work. Do you agree, a very cute defect?
 Moreover, there are fully positive and cute characters of exemplary fathers-heroes, like Chuck Norris or Bruce Willis, that manage fully harmoniously to combine family and work. It, certainly, rareness, thus, usually characteristic for revenge-movies, when a protagonist either takes revenge on or liberates hostages for terrorists. But fact present: positive character of the real domestic man, thus not driveling and aching, and fully mature and adequate – IS ADMITS.
  How can it be?
 This conclusion it is possible to unseal and hang up in a scope in every family:
 The creators of new world order above everything are afraid of simple word "mama". Are afraid so panicky, that blotted out him from all modern works of art. Are afraid of more Jesus Christ, that they were able successfully to garble and modify.
  Because a word "mama" and lie are incompatible. A mother always sees a lie through. Forgetting about a mother, a man stops to be a man.
  Exactly from here "ancient" curses go on a mother. From here an insult goes "mother sonny", when a child is trained, that to love and obey mother - it is ashamed. From here the custom of separation of child goes from a mother, as though she "does" for his martial spirit. Corrupts certainly, inoculating immunity against authority of covey of raging dregs.
 A role is notable in this question of the soviet cinema. Unlike modern Russian cinema belching up a continuous base-alloy abomination.
 In practically any soviet cinema character of mother, Motherland-mother stood by oneself. In "Officers" a basic with a plot role curls round an officer mother and wife. In "Wedding in a redbreast" mother and wife, waiting soldier home is a mainline in a plot. In the kind half of revolutionary and soldiery songs the question is not about a battle friend, namely about a wife-mother that waits a defender home, rocks a cradle and far goes out to meet with a little son long-awaited.
  And here a soviet art costs much higher, than all pillars of notorious Russian literature with their problems of "superfluous people" and "rays of light in a dark reign".
 In fact even christian love yields the road of maternal love, and Christian Church will bend to seniority of institute of maternity.
  A  man that does not love the mother will never love Jesus Christ.
  Moreover, a mossy and experience recidivist winding off on camps and stages all disgraceful and useless life, but able to begin to cry at a word "mother", costs incomparably higher on the degree of the moral development, what any successful and highly educated multisexual it.
  Simply surprisingly: just the most unhappy and wretched people, like our incorrigible criminals, saint honour the cult of worship and gratitude to the mother that will never betray and will not condemn, that can trust whatever, that will accept you to any.
  But this ancient saving folk wisdom a long ago is changed by the West on the forfeits of prosperity and doubtful comfort. How long can America stretch on the imported children, if the institute of mother is almost liquidated?
  In fact one-only task of woman - to become a careful and loving mother, what in the future even only one man in the world, among all madnesses and adversities, remembered about that is a main and only human norm of behavior.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Trading in children is modern scalps of Mohicans.

 Foremost, it would be desirable to consider history of origin of this question. Where such wild, unnatural phenomena undertook from, as trading in scalps is in North America, trading in indulgences on a robbery and murder of times of epoch of the geographical opening, opium, heroin and cocaine markets of Colombia, Afghanistan and China, giant slave markets of times of the Ottoman empire and modern trading in human organs and children.
  At once we will place points above i. Which is a cost of the dirty stinking Indian scalp for a normal man? Piece of natural human skin with the entangled hair?
  She does not even zero. She is negative.
 Normal man, with normal animals will prefer to pay reflexes and elementary cogitative capabilities, that such loathsome phenomenon, as scalps, never intruded in his life. Never to touch to the human remains, not see and not think of such ugly thing.
  How then could there be trading in scalps? In fact it is a not at all invention of American Indians, and one of wonders civilizations that Europeans brought to the North-American aborigines. Together with vodka, syphilis and war on extermination.
 To answer this question, we will set forth the following.
  But as could happen so, that cowardly enough, poor (and what there, simply wretched) and small in numbers nation above-ground on a misty and rainy small island took the entire world? Not winning not a single serious war here, never flashing, by neither a courage nor military genius?
 Here list of achievements of American militarism that otherwise, what will not name disgraceful: the American army is the greatest myth of ХХ of century
 If briefly, then the British lions and American hawks could not correspond to the threatening rhetoric in none of the numerous wars, thus even victories over sepoys, south Africans or Grenada were arrived at by exceptional cruelties in regard to a local population, concentration camps and application of guns against arrows or airplanes against guns.
 But even it did not guarantee our "heroes" against defeats, whereupon lying-hysterical fairy-tales were immediately thought of about an unusual wickedness and cunning of enemies of anglo-saxon. Like Winston Churchill, so not managing to estimate nobleness of captivating him bores not wishing to rot him in some pit and giving relative freedom of actions to him. That was after presented to the world, as an unusual exploit of lone man-person, runaway from a captivity.
  How was poor (to the duke Orlean, England is a wretched provincial country being far from basic trade routes and latecomer on the European feast concerning the division of the New World) able to overcome cruel and stubborn Spanishes, enterprising and well-educated Dutchmen, flaming and brave Frenchmen, friendly and organized Germans? And what there, this pitiful tribe managed to swaddle Russians even, famous the justice and contempt to death. How?
 In general that, this is the most real miracle. It in principle can not be, but it - so. Did an anglo-saxon manage to compel all these proud people with a frenzy to kill each other, but for the sake of what? For the sake of receipt of these stinking scalps with that we began. (It is possible fully to replace "anglo-saxon" on "israelites", but it is not fundamental, business in fact not in nationality or religion, and in philosophy.)
 In other words, the main instrument of enslavement of the world is creation on quite blank space of specific market that results in gaining end of concentration of power at the moderator of this market.
  Like the founder of financial pyramid redistributes considerable part of influence and resources of society in the benefit.
 It is thus necessary to underline an absolute nonentity, senselessness and complete uselessness of initial constituent of similar pyramid. From spicinesses and spices of Middle ages, bulbs of the Dutch tulips, gold and diamonds to the banal cut paper, book-keeping records in bank databases or rates in a financial, currency or fund casino.
 Thus insignificant essence of the offered chips not at all changed: a normal man for life need neither spicinesses, nor tulips in bulbs, nor bars of gold nor various chips from a modern financial lotto.
 But sense of creation of these markets consists not simply in enslavement, but in elimination of all surplus human quantity. Therefore most interest is history of the especially prominent articles of trade, not such neutral, as gold and diamonds. (Although from the last to blood it is spilled not at all less than, than from scalps.)
  History of these markets it is necessary to begin with the giant slave markets of Middle Asia, on that a booty and contribution ("ясырь") collected by the numerous bands of nomads from christian Europe came true. Thus much more cheap and perspective source of slaves like Africa or China at that time was quite ignored. That underlines electoral character of these markets, presence of moderators forming the certain vector of enterprise expansion superfluous time.
 The bloom of slave market of Africa will come considerably later, and China - on the border of 20th and 21th of centuries.
The aim of slave-trade of this period is obvious, but nevertheless I will set forth: elimination and intimidation of christian population of Europe and foremost to Rus. An analogical aim was pursued by trading in scalps, a disgusting innovation was to apply in connection with that the Indian slaves were a yet less value, than their scalps, because of their disqualification for humiliating slave labour.
Analogical to the hunt of scalps played a function and trading in drugs plays the modern world, although the value of this nonsense historically was extremely subzero, and availability - practically unlimited. For example, for market of marihuana creation on territory of the USSR considerable marketing efforts, including elimination of sowing of hemp, were required, because consumers long time with a contempt behaved to this type of nonsense, preferring traditional vodka and tobacco.
  But it is lately possible to mark considerable successes with the change of consumer preferences.
  In like manner an anglo-saxon pushed on the world arena of Spanishes and Frenchmen: they created the market of filibusters and privateers, selling to the license to a robbery and murder and not disdaining to buy up amassed by robbery, to give repair and shelter to the most arrant scoundrels and pirates.
 And only it is now appropriate to pass to the market of babytrading. Obviously, that he absolutely differs nothing from above-stated: commodity, as commodity, business, as business. An only difference is a commodity perishable, requiring a care, but on the other hand to extract him considerably simpler, than scalp of American Indian, gold nugget or Spanish galleon.
And if yet more precisely, then new embodiment of slave market of Middle ages goes, only the vector of elimination becomes universal, except for not many countries of "consumers" of this product: the USA, Israel, Turkey, Italy, Japan, Germany, Greece (reference).
 How is this market created?
And as usual: demand generates proposition. Here imposing list of organizations engaging in financing of this activity: Reference. And it - only officially. And how many criminal and black трансплантологических money does spin in this sphere?
  If to estimate market sizes, then Е.Fedorov talks about 5000 children getting on preparation tables in the USA annually. Prices are about a few hundred thousands of dollars in a country-consumer.
 In China the cost of child makes about 22-27 th. dollars depending on age (at price of producer). reference Here a price specifies an official selling price that goes to the profit of the state on indemnification of "processing of documents".
  Unofficially a child can be bought practically for free: and after 500 and for a few thousand dollars (reference), it is enough to set direct contacts with a producer and go round state customs duties.
Absolutely analogical situation on Ukraine, where similarly there are people ready to offer the productive services at this market for a moderate price. (reference, reference, reference, reference). Moreover, it is possible to assert that over this market development brought to the considerable price-cutting, a child can be purchased already not for ten of thousands, and for a few thousand dollars.
 World volume of market coming from the approximately 5 thousand officially adopted children from such countries, as Russia and China, 1 thousand are Ukraine (5 place in 2002 reference), the rules of Pareto and tendency of height of this market can be estimated approximately in 100 thousand units of this commodity in a year, taking into account a black market - within the limits of 0,5-1,0 million
 Accordingly, on the costs of "consumer" the cost of market of babytrding makes the several hundred milliard of dollars, here a prime "price" is varied from practically zero (stakes of percents from a profit, when children are bought "for a bottle" or stolen simply) to the maximum not exceeding a few ten of milliards of dollars.
 On a large account, all income in this business is his profit. That fully justly: to the people selling the children it is enough beads or clay crocks in a reward.

P.S. Surprizing, that as soon as the process of global transformation will finish, probably, all market system will be destroyed by her creators. Because it works exceptionally on destruction, it equally will destroy both a "gold milliard" and "gold million" and even "gold thousand", if not to stop a merciless rotation all milling millstones of her hellish mill.
 But on the other hand, resisting to this market mill is very simple. The law of Dima of Iakovlev is not even needed for this purpose. It is simply needed in every way to tear away from itself the infamous values of market converting into a "commodity" and dust all surrounding.
 Life is created in a not order to become a commodity. A commodity is created in an order to destroy life.

The new pact of Molotov-Ribbentrop is celled

 It needs to be understood so, that long period of strange and remote relations of this two countries, seemed doomed to the union before the threat of wipeout the West, finally like beginning to go away.
 Drawing conclusion early finally, but the first step in this direction present.
 And are my congratulations, friends. It is a very important geopolitical event.
 And here only two possibilities.
  First, that two people, finally, will join force in a fight against the ancient enemy and yankees will do the favourite manoeuvre: “go home” from Eurasia. With all effluent consequences of slow destruction of empire. Probability of this variant of events is practically unimportant, moreover, it small interesting from the point of view of geopolitical analysis. All is simple: came, saw, drove out.
 Most adequate is interpretation of this event - signing of pact of Molotov-Ribbentrop. Trade goes thus, exact as in 36-39, both Hitler or “Chamberlains” sends baits to us. Here now the plenipotentiary bearer of a flag of truce of the West granted to sell a next restart to Moscow.
  Thus world war began already. And it formally is not declared, as in 1939. And there was not Perl-Harbor typical for Americans method of the war beginning. But a peaceful return from Syria and Iran for the USA already is not exist. And direct military intervention is unambigiuous conflict of global value.
 So that war goes already, simply not on American, and on the British scenario: many conversations and incomprehensible manoeuvres, but the peace already is not exist and will not.

Monday, 14 January 2013

That Russia can offer to the world or Oligarchs go to war.

The last rollers with E.Fedorov (ссылка, ссылка) shone his unambigiuous and unequivocal position in relation to privatizing and nationalization, placed the last points above i. It is: Evgeny Федоров is a successive liberal, seeing efficiency and progressiveness of peculiar, opponent of idea of public or folk domain.
 Thus the idea of "nationalization" is understood by E.Fedorov exceptionally in form translation of property from foreign in Russian jurisdiction, creations of class of national bourgeois and oligarchs, i.e. within the framework of finding of national sovereignty, but nowise not social transformations.
 Because the similar point of view fully (and even probably!) can appear official position of Russian power, liberation movement and personally В.В.Putin, she deserves the most intent attention.
 How really is Russia able similarly to overcook liberalism, how once marxism? One of most cruel and hard-edged, narrow-classed, godless and immoral theories - in the attractive social state of domestic type? О параллелях»).
 However, than anymore I reflect above this question, the I more understand that it is fundamentally impossible without the complete and unreserved denial of liberalism. It appears from that from a liberal dogma resolutely there is nothing to take useful or positive: she is primitive too. As is generally known, to create a theory, geometry or algebra required two and more than postulates. Liberalism is based on one only, obviously incorrect postulate: a market is ideal. And that is it here possible to take on an armament?
  Although if I wrong and does not see something hidden and important, I ask to remedy me.
Lacks of liberalism, incompatible with life and incorrigible within the framework of initial postulate, - dam up a pond.
 Foremost, we will mark his obvious poverty, infantilism and social injustice. When a man is simply farmed from the duties of husband, father, son, defender of homeland and simply decent man. Under pretence of that earning money, he already performed the most main public duty the same, and now free to do everything, that to him pleasingly.
  From here follows both marriages by contract and domestic capitalism: implementation of home-work children for money, domestic usury, when children take loans for own parents or take care after the aged parents only for the sake of material benefit.
  In other words, liberalism not simply has nothing positive, but he is fundamentally incompatible with the christian values of love and help to the fellow creature. Taking of him for base conception of society not simply unfairly, but destructively to bases of this society - family. That is why Russia it is not given to overcook this generation of the West, but only to tear away. If a communism is in a great deal near to christianity, then liberalism in the basis denies him. Therefore no compromise here can not be: either God or money.
  It is known that among many readers arguments of justice, moral principles or divine commandments not especially quoted. There is fully scientific explanation.
 Only political economy conception that can be adopted by a theory or science is marxism. And this theory denies the construction of society of future on principles liberalism completely. Thus it is straight confirmed by practice: progress of productive forces trends testify to the all greater height of the involved people and resources. For example, for prosperous motor industry the milliardth markets of sale are required, the same for space, electronic-domestic or military industries.
But what will be, if all these corporations of global value will become private? It means that role of the state, power, including president of Russian Federation only, will appear in the suspended state, more precisely their direct function, indulging of interests of these corporations will become. In fact budget, influence and even cleanly military force of modern corporations fully comparable with the large state.
About this problem exhaustively I.V. Stalin spoke out once: because productive relations more accept collective character, a peculiar on capital goods is rudimentary. Thus the class of bourgeoisie, aspiring at any cost to save the privileged position and control, becomes by force reactionary and regressive.
All of it is literally confirmed by modern realities: by the artificially caused unemployment, suppression of height of the labour productivity, appearance of enormous sphere of dependants and public vermin, by the considerable decline of quality and tenure of employment of the manufactured goods dangerous for a health and ecology of experiments in agriculture and medicine.
  How is it possible on a background what be going on to continue to repeat over and over again about superiority of private enterprise initiative? Today it is simple unscientific.
 Moreover, here I will say of a hypothesis similarly that a shallow enterprise environment will gradually die off even. It appears from that such are modern tendencies in absolutely all industries. McDonalds ousts shallow snack bars: multicriticized, but the assured quality and forecast price oust doubtful folk work like a cheburek or booths with shawarma, in that and the first and second is a lottery.
  In agriculture small-scale enterprises appear quite uncompetitive as compared to large producers (even without taking advantage of their total co-operation of times of Stalin MTS).
 Thus the same situation even in the field of service. For example, can be paid attention, that in barbershops on our entire countries remained only three types of hair-dos for men: recruit, first year of service and second tenure of employment? Is there a question, and that really so difficult from the point of view of modern science and technique to create the vehicle of automatic hair-cutting with the hardly greater amount of original variants? As I understand, here problem not in a technique, but exceptionally in the lack of fantasy for marketing specialists.
  It was desirable to show on this example, that even such traditionally private and creative profession, as a hairdresser soon can appear on verge of disappearance. A like can similarly expect a waiter: the stands of automatic order appear in many cafes. And if to generalize, then it turns out that niches for shallow businessmen in course of time it will remain all less than, i.e. not only a large, but shallow peculiar is doomed to disappearance because of technical progress.
So what can be private enterprise initiative, in principle, if it on the essence in modern society identical to the bows and arrows of some rudimentary savages against tanks and airplanes of valuable civilization?
  Scientific and technical progress and peculiar are incompatible. Here, that talks science.
But, except science and morality there is yet and political expediency. We will consider similarly this point of view. Maybe, on this stage of political fight is it expedient to use oligarchs? Will oligarchs go on war?
Think, that such statement of a question does an answer maximum obvious. From the oligarchs of benefit to Motherland no more, than from the French recruits or mister Pytkin in the rear of enemy. Useless they are recruits, to militate they will become only under pretence of mortal threat, and it is an unbelievable situation practically. In fact them all arranges: wife and children - in London, mistresses and business - in Russia, money - in the secluded places.
And here Putin and Fedorov call them on war. And simpler than students from Moscow Universyty or Plehanov Institute to send to dig trenches, what though in something to count on oligarchs on business of national liberation motion.
  In spite of all improbability of thesis "oligarchs go to war", there are quite a bit historical parallels that. An example is most appropriate and fresh, when L.D.Kuchma planned to build the strong Ukrainian economy, leaning against the class of large owners. That went out it is known: "Kuchma - out"!. Owners preferred to restive and very economic Kuchma of where more tolerant and amenable Yushchenko.
 Even presence of general mortal enemy, as in case of Hitler or Napoleon quite not means for this class awakening of patriotism or solidarity with the people. I will remind, West-European bourgeoisie at one time with a delight accepted and first and second. And now even is there no genius-aggressor naturalized in a flesh with cannons and dare-devils, who will Putin appeal against to the oligarchs?
 Therefore NEVER the class of large owners will begin to support В.В.Putin and national liberation motion. And to count on them - there is the most rough and irreparable error.
 Although the class of small and middle holders can and must become one of supports of national liberation motion. But great folk masses must become key support, and by main slogans is nationalization and large public domain giving a benefit to the country, and to the masses - work and salary. And mediated the same giving a source to existence to the shallow shopkeepers, merchants and рестораторам.
 So, there is the last question without an answer. What must Russia offer to the world?
From aforesaid obviously, that on the modern stage traditional chart, when Russia processed a western idea in something the whole and acceptable (as it was in case with the "enlightened monarchy" or marxism) will not pass.
  Time clean to reject the cultural and scientific dominant of the West and say finally the word in sociological and economic science came.
 And reverse motivation of elite and deflation nonmonetary economic model must become such word.
 The first means that than more pride of place is occupied by a man in a social stair, the less meaningful there must be wage incentives for him in the most literal sense of this word.
 The second means that the inevitable height of the labour productivity levels all economic and monetary indicators and stimuli (for example, GDP) fully, destroys the concepts of peculiar, money and takes a management an economy to elementary logistic of human labour and rest.
  And because the logistic of human labour and rest, obviously, can not be sense of human life, then a fundamentally new value is opened at science and work.
As that so.