Thursday 24 January 2013

Trading in children is modern scalps of Mohicans.

 Foremost, it would be desirable to consider history of origin of this question. Where such wild, unnatural phenomena undertook from, as trading in scalps is in North America, trading in indulgences on a robbery and murder of times of epoch of the geographical opening, opium, heroin and cocaine markets of Colombia, Afghanistan and China, giant slave markets of times of the Ottoman empire and modern trading in human organs and children.
  At once we will place points above i. Which is a cost of the dirty stinking Indian scalp for a normal man? Piece of natural human skin with the entangled hair?
  She does not even zero. She is negative.
 Normal man, with normal animals will prefer to pay reflexes and elementary cogitative capabilities, that such loathsome phenomenon, as scalps, never intruded in his life. Never to touch to the human remains, not see and not think of such ugly thing.
  How then could there be trading in scalps? In fact it is a not at all invention of American Indians, and one of wonders civilizations that Europeans brought to the North-American aborigines. Together with vodka, syphilis and war on extermination.
 To answer this question, we will set forth the following.
  But as could happen so, that cowardly enough, poor (and what there, simply wretched) and small in numbers nation above-ground on a misty and rainy small island took the entire world? Not winning not a single serious war here, never flashing, by neither a courage nor military genius?
 Here list of achievements of American militarism that otherwise, what will not name disgraceful: the American army is the greatest myth of ХХ of century
 If briefly, then the British lions and American hawks could not correspond to the threatening rhetoric in none of the numerous wars, thus even victories over sepoys, south Africans or Grenada were arrived at by exceptional cruelties in regard to a local population, concentration camps and application of guns against arrows or airplanes against guns.
 But even it did not guarantee our "heroes" against defeats, whereupon lying-hysterical fairy-tales were immediately thought of about an unusual wickedness and cunning of enemies of anglo-saxon. Like Winston Churchill, so not managing to estimate nobleness of captivating him bores not wishing to rot him in some pit and giving relative freedom of actions to him. That was after presented to the world, as an unusual exploit of lone man-person, runaway from a captivity.
  How was poor (to the duke Orlean, England is a wretched provincial country being far from basic trade routes and latecomer on the European feast concerning the division of the New World) able to overcome cruel and stubborn Spanishes, enterprising and well-educated Dutchmen, flaming and brave Frenchmen, friendly and organized Germans? And what there, this pitiful tribe managed to swaddle Russians even, famous the justice and contempt to death. How?
 In general that, this is the most real miracle. It in principle can not be, but it - so. Did an anglo-saxon manage to compel all these proud people with a frenzy to kill each other, but for the sake of what? For the sake of receipt of these stinking scalps with that we began. (It is possible fully to replace "anglo-saxon" on "israelites", but it is not fundamental, business in fact not in nationality or religion, and in philosophy.)
 In other words, the main instrument of enslavement of the world is creation on quite blank space of specific market that results in gaining end of concentration of power at the moderator of this market.
  Like the founder of financial pyramid redistributes considerable part of influence and resources of society in the benefit.
 It is thus necessary to underline an absolute nonentity, senselessness and complete uselessness of initial constituent of similar pyramid. From spicinesses and spices of Middle ages, bulbs of the Dutch tulips, gold and diamonds to the banal cut paper, book-keeping records in bank databases or rates in a financial, currency or fund casino.
 Thus insignificant essence of the offered chips not at all changed: a normal man for life need neither spicinesses, nor tulips in bulbs, nor bars of gold nor various chips from a modern financial lotto.
 But sense of creation of these markets consists not simply in enslavement, but in elimination of all surplus human quantity. Therefore most interest is history of the especially prominent articles of trade, not such neutral, as gold and diamonds. (Although from the last to blood it is spilled not at all less than, than from scalps.)
  History of these markets it is necessary to begin with the giant slave markets of Middle Asia, on that a booty and contribution ("ясырь") collected by the numerous bands of nomads from christian Europe came true. Thus much more cheap and perspective source of slaves like Africa or China at that time was quite ignored. That underlines electoral character of these markets, presence of moderators forming the certain vector of enterprise expansion superfluous time.
 The bloom of slave market of Africa will come considerably later, and China - on the border of 20th and 21th of centuries.
The aim of slave-trade of this period is obvious, but nevertheless I will set forth: elimination and intimidation of christian population of Europe and foremost to Rus. An analogical aim was pursued by trading in scalps, a disgusting innovation was to apply in connection with that the Indian slaves were a yet less value, than their scalps, because of their disqualification for humiliating slave labour.
Analogical to the hunt of scalps played a function and trading in drugs plays the modern world, although the value of this nonsense historically was extremely subzero, and availability - practically unlimited. For example, for market of marihuana creation on territory of the USSR considerable marketing efforts, including elimination of sowing of hemp, were required, because consumers long time with a contempt behaved to this type of nonsense, preferring traditional vodka and tobacco.
  But it is lately possible to mark considerable successes with the change of consumer preferences.
  In like manner an anglo-saxon pushed on the world arena of Spanishes and Frenchmen: they created the market of filibusters and privateers, selling to the license to a robbery and murder and not disdaining to buy up amassed by robbery, to give repair and shelter to the most arrant scoundrels and pirates.
 And only it is now appropriate to pass to the market of babytrading. Obviously, that he absolutely differs nothing from above-stated: commodity, as commodity, business, as business. An only difference is a commodity perishable, requiring a care, but on the other hand to extract him considerably simpler, than scalp of American Indian, gold nugget or Spanish galleon.
And if yet more precisely, then new embodiment of slave market of Middle ages goes, only the vector of elimination becomes universal, except for not many countries of "consumers" of this product: the USA, Israel, Turkey, Italy, Japan, Germany, Greece (reference).
 How is this market created?
And as usual: demand generates proposition. Here imposing list of organizations engaging in financing of this activity: Reference. And it - only officially. And how many criminal and black трансплантологических money does spin in this sphere?
  If to estimate market sizes, then Е.Fedorov talks about 5000 children getting on preparation tables in the USA annually. Prices are about a few hundred thousands of dollars in a country-consumer.
 In China the cost of child makes about 22-27 th. dollars depending on age (at price of producer). reference Here a price specifies an official selling price that goes to the profit of the state on indemnification of "processing of documents".
  Unofficially a child can be bought practically for free: and after 500 and for a few thousand dollars (reference), it is enough to set direct contacts with a producer and go round state customs duties.
Absolutely analogical situation on Ukraine, where similarly there are people ready to offer the productive services at this market for a moderate price. (reference, reference, reference, reference). Moreover, it is possible to assert that over this market development brought to the considerable price-cutting, a child can be purchased already not for ten of thousands, and for a few thousand dollars.
 World volume of market coming from the approximately 5 thousand officially adopted children from such countries, as Russia and China, 1 thousand are Ukraine (5 place in 2002 reference), the rules of Pareto and tendency of height of this market can be estimated approximately in 100 thousand units of this commodity in a year, taking into account a black market - within the limits of 0,5-1,0 million
 Accordingly, on the costs of "consumer" the cost of market of babytrding makes the several hundred milliard of dollars, here a prime "price" is varied from practically zero (stakes of percents from a profit, when children are bought "for a bottle" or stolen simply) to the maximum not exceeding a few ten of milliards of dollars.
 On a large account, all income in this business is his profit. That fully justly: to the people selling the children it is enough beads or clay crocks in a reward.

P.S. Surprizing, that as soon as the process of global transformation will finish, probably, all market system will be destroyed by her creators. Because it works exceptionally on destruction, it equally will destroy both a "gold milliard" and "gold million" and even "gold thousand", if not to stop a merciless rotation all milling millstones of her hellish mill.
 But on the other hand, resisting to this market mill is very simple. The law of Dima of Iakovlev is not even needed for this purpose. It is simply needed in every way to tear away from itself the infamous values of market converting into a "commodity" and dust all surrounding.
 Life is created in a not order to become a commodity. A commodity is created in an order to destroy life.

The new pact of Molotov-Ribbentrop is celled

 It needs to be understood so, that long period of strange and remote relations of this two countries, seemed doomed to the union before the threat of wipeout the West, finally like beginning to go away.
 Drawing conclusion early finally, but the first step in this direction present.
 And are my congratulations, friends. It is a very important geopolitical event.
 And here only two possibilities.
  First, that two people, finally, will join force in a fight against the ancient enemy and yankees will do the favourite manoeuvre: “go home” from Eurasia. With all effluent consequences of slow destruction of empire. Probability of this variant of events is practically unimportant, moreover, it small interesting from the point of view of geopolitical analysis. All is simple: came, saw, drove out.
 Most adequate is interpretation of this event - signing of pact of Molotov-Ribbentrop. Trade goes thus, exact as in 36-39, both Hitler or “Chamberlains” sends baits to us. Here now the plenipotentiary bearer of a flag of truce of the West granted to sell a next restart to Moscow.
  Thus world war began already. And it formally is not declared, as in 1939. And there was not Perl-Harbor typical for Americans method of the war beginning. But a peaceful return from Syria and Iran for the USA already is not exist. And direct military intervention is unambigiuous conflict of global value.
 So that war goes already, simply not on American, and on the British scenario: many conversations and incomprehensible manoeuvres, but the peace already is not exist and will not.

Monday 14 January 2013

That Russia can offer to the world or Oligarchs go to war.

The last rollers with E.Fedorov (ссылка, ссылка) shone his unambigiuous and unequivocal position in relation to privatizing and nationalization, placed the last points above i. It is: Evgeny Федоров is a successive liberal, seeing efficiency and progressiveness of peculiar, opponent of idea of public or folk domain.
 Thus the idea of "nationalization" is understood by E.Fedorov exceptionally in form translation of property from foreign in Russian jurisdiction, creations of class of national bourgeois and oligarchs, i.e. within the framework of finding of national sovereignty, but nowise not social transformations.
 Because the similar point of view fully (and even probably!) can appear official position of Russian power, liberation movement and personally В.В.Putin, she deserves the most intent attention.
 How really is Russia able similarly to overcook liberalism, how once marxism? One of most cruel and hard-edged, narrow-classed, godless and immoral theories - in the attractive social state of domestic type? О параллелях»).
 However, than anymore I reflect above this question, the I more understand that it is fundamentally impossible without the complete and unreserved denial of liberalism. It appears from that from a liberal dogma resolutely there is nothing to take useful or positive: she is primitive too. As is generally known, to create a theory, geometry or algebra required two and more than postulates. Liberalism is based on one only, obviously incorrect postulate: a market is ideal. And that is it here possible to take on an armament?
  Although if I wrong and does not see something hidden and important, I ask to remedy me.
Lacks of liberalism, incompatible with life and incorrigible within the framework of initial postulate, - dam up a pond.
 Foremost, we will mark his obvious poverty, infantilism and social injustice. When a man is simply farmed from the duties of husband, father, son, defender of homeland and simply decent man. Under pretence of that earning money, he already performed the most main public duty the same, and now free to do everything, that to him pleasingly.
  From here follows both marriages by contract and domestic capitalism: implementation of home-work children for money, domestic usury, when children take loans for own parents or take care after the aged parents only for the sake of material benefit.
  In other words, liberalism not simply has nothing positive, but he is fundamentally incompatible with the christian values of love and help to the fellow creature. Taking of him for base conception of society not simply unfairly, but destructively to bases of this society - family. That is why Russia it is not given to overcook this generation of the West, but only to tear away. If a communism is in a great deal near to christianity, then liberalism in the basis denies him. Therefore no compromise here can not be: either God or money.
  It is known that among many readers arguments of justice, moral principles or divine commandments not especially quoted. There is fully scientific explanation.
 Only political economy conception that can be adopted by a theory or science is marxism. And this theory denies the construction of society of future on principles liberalism completely. Thus it is straight confirmed by practice: progress of productive forces trends testify to the all greater height of the involved people and resources. For example, for prosperous motor industry the milliardth markets of sale are required, the same for space, electronic-domestic or military industries.
But what will be, if all these corporations of global value will become private? It means that role of the state, power, including president of Russian Federation only, will appear in the suspended state, more precisely their direct function, indulging of interests of these corporations will become. In fact budget, influence and even cleanly military force of modern corporations fully comparable with the large state.
About this problem exhaustively I.V. Stalin spoke out once: because productive relations more accept collective character, a peculiar on capital goods is rudimentary. Thus the class of bourgeoisie, aspiring at any cost to save the privileged position and control, becomes by force reactionary and regressive.
All of it is literally confirmed by modern realities: by the artificially caused unemployment, suppression of height of the labour productivity, appearance of enormous sphere of dependants and public vermin, by the considerable decline of quality and tenure of employment of the manufactured goods dangerous for a health and ecology of experiments in agriculture and medicine.
  How is it possible on a background what be going on to continue to repeat over and over again about superiority of private enterprise initiative? Today it is simple unscientific.
 Moreover, here I will say of a hypothesis similarly that a shallow enterprise environment will gradually die off even. It appears from that such are modern tendencies in absolutely all industries. McDonalds ousts shallow snack bars: multicriticized, but the assured quality and forecast price oust doubtful folk work like a cheburek or booths with shawarma, in that and the first and second is a lottery.
  In agriculture small-scale enterprises appear quite uncompetitive as compared to large producers (even without taking advantage of their total co-operation of times of Stalin MTS).
 Thus the same situation even in the field of service. For example, can be paid attention, that in barbershops on our entire countries remained only three types of hair-dos for men: recruit, first year of service and second tenure of employment? Is there a question, and that really so difficult from the point of view of modern science and technique to create the vehicle of automatic hair-cutting with the hardly greater amount of original variants? As I understand, here problem not in a technique, but exceptionally in the lack of fantasy for marketing specialists.
  It was desirable to show on this example, that even such traditionally private and creative profession, as a hairdresser soon can appear on verge of disappearance. A like can similarly expect a waiter: the stands of automatic order appear in many cafes. And if to generalize, then it turns out that niches for shallow businessmen in course of time it will remain all less than, i.e. not only a large, but shallow peculiar is doomed to disappearance because of technical progress.
So what can be private enterprise initiative, in principle, if it on the essence in modern society identical to the bows and arrows of some rudimentary savages against tanks and airplanes of valuable civilization?
  Scientific and technical progress and peculiar are incompatible. Here, that talks science.
But, except science and morality there is yet and political expediency. We will consider similarly this point of view. Maybe, on this stage of political fight is it expedient to use oligarchs? Will oligarchs go on war?
Think, that such statement of a question does an answer maximum obvious. From the oligarchs of benefit to Motherland no more, than from the French recruits or mister Pytkin in the rear of enemy. Useless they are recruits, to militate they will become only under pretence of mortal threat, and it is an unbelievable situation practically. In fact them all arranges: wife and children - in London, mistresses and business - in Russia, money - in the secluded places.
And here Putin and Fedorov call them on war. And simpler than students from Moscow Universyty or Plehanov Institute to send to dig trenches, what though in something to count on oligarchs on business of national liberation motion.
  In spite of all improbability of thesis "oligarchs go to war", there are quite a bit historical parallels that. An example is most appropriate and fresh, when L.D.Kuchma planned to build the strong Ukrainian economy, leaning against the class of large owners. That went out it is known: "Kuchma - out"!. Owners preferred to restive and very economic Kuchma of where more tolerant and amenable Yushchenko.
 Even presence of general mortal enemy, as in case of Hitler or Napoleon quite not means for this class awakening of patriotism or solidarity with the people. I will remind, West-European bourgeoisie at one time with a delight accepted and first and second. And now even is there no genius-aggressor naturalized in a flesh with cannons and dare-devils, who will Putin appeal against to the oligarchs?
 Therefore NEVER the class of large owners will begin to support В.В.Putin and national liberation motion. And to count on them - there is the most rough and irreparable error.
 Although the class of small and middle holders can and must become one of supports of national liberation motion. But great folk masses must become key support, and by main slogans is nationalization and large public domain giving a benefit to the country, and to the masses - work and salary. And mediated the same giving a source to existence to the shallow shopkeepers, merchants and рестораторам.
 So, there is the last question without an answer. What must Russia offer to the world?
From aforesaid obviously, that on the modern stage traditional chart, when Russia processed a western idea in something the whole and acceptable (as it was in case with the "enlightened monarchy" or marxism) will not pass.
  Time clean to reject the cultural and scientific dominant of the West and say finally the word in sociological and economic science came.
 And reverse motivation of elite and deflation nonmonetary economic model must become such word.
 The first means that than more pride of place is occupied by a man in a social stair, the less meaningful there must be wage incentives for him in the most literal sense of this word.
 The second means that the inevitable height of the labour productivity levels all economic and monetary indicators and stimuli (for example, GDP) fully, destroys the concepts of peculiar, money and takes a management an economy to elementary logistic of human labour and rest.
  And because the logistic of human labour and rest, obviously, can not be sense of human life, then a fundamentally new value is opened at science and work.
As that so.