Such statement of a question came to a head
taking into account two key prognoses on 2013 (refer).
It is retirement of government of Medvedev, completion of the too long period of "new economic policy" and starting
of active state building, first of all in an industrial and scientific and
technical sphere. The second key prognosis is final determination of Ukraine in
the "multivector" and decisive side-step economic association with
exactly in such order, absence of advance in purging of the White house of
government from liberals automatically means also absence of advance in
relationships with Ukraine. That, strictly speaking, and taking place.
All of
it together means an impermissible delay on business of reunion of the Great Country,
omission of unique window of possibility, when weakening and employment of our
geopolitical opponents in other regions of the world (Middle and Far East)
allows to win back a gold card that can become decision in all game.
it should be noted that 3-5 years later a generation growing after
disintegration of the USSR will come to power, who has acquaintance with it
exceptionally after nationalistic propaganda, fairy-tales about poverty,
corruption and total deficit.
In the
total Ukraine will be finally lost for the Orthodox Christians world, as once
Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece of and other, that once did not "blend" in imperial
politics of Nikolay I, anymore caring of channels and advantageous soldiery
unions, than about the fate of brotherly people with hope asking Russian
citizenship. It is presently possible to establish practically a complete
failure in part of realization of optimistic prognoses on 2013.
there is a necessity to consider a variant, that Putin is a traitor, freely or involuntarily playing the side of anglo-saxon
and the same successfully blackout any probability of origin authentic, but not
false public leader.
does follow, if to come from this assumption? Firstly, it means new color of
Russia on the map of the world (refer), it becomes
from the hearth of resistance to a secret accomplice of the enemy. And because
to suppose that China or Iran are the independent and threatening opponents of
the USA odd enough, then a situation turns out, that the USA continue to remain
world predominant power, and all their current weakening, widely advertised
crash of dollar and economic collapse - no more, than prop and playing the
here the important follows secondly. In the conditions of absence of authentic,
but not props, geopolitical rivals all current affairs of the West are taken to
the banal stripping of territory, but not real difficult chess party with a
deserving opponent. And a filling the soreness of the mouth financial crash is
a role of banal alibi, excuse of complete non-participation of the USA to the
threatening clouds that gathers on Middle and Far East.
there is Putin a traitor or no, it will become maximum clear from character of
coming world war. If Russia is the hidden accomplice of the West, then by the
most simple and effective method of elimination of institutes of the state,
industrial infrastructure and radical reduction of population there is small
nuclear war. Besides ecologically enough by a clean method, what experience of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki testifies to. From here flows out straight, who is
advantageous and why creation is needed by Iran of nuclear weapon of the local
only in case that the main opponent of the West is the powerful, perfectly
armed state, becomes highly sought tactician of "wasp's swarm", great
great number of "pirates of the desert", sharpening stability and
unity of that yet too big country, that remained. How much benefit from jets
and nuclear rockets in a fight against the bands of terrorists, densely meeting
with a local population, or even in a fight against the small states, type of
Afghanistan, does that support hits?
In this case only means are inflexible and
ideological convinced commissars with revolvers, and now at Russia they are a big shortage.
more arguments are in behalf on the second scenario. Exactly Russia stands on
the way of realization of all soldiery plans the USA, inflicting fully
perceptible harm to them. But the point of no return is not passed and all can
fully change. To what the schizophrenia plans of defence of Europe testify from
the Iranian rockets.
will mark, what only in case of treachery of Russia becomes reasonable politics
of Ukraine on an association with ЕС. The same, let by the cost of destruction
of economy, juvenile justice, dictatorship of homosexuals and study of
ridiculous artificial language (very distant from "Рiдної мови" Т.Г.
Shevchenko), Ukraine appears back from territory of the global stripping. And
it nevertheless some rather better, what it was in the Hitler concentration
situation very unsteady. Not eliminated, that to the last the West continues to
wait a choice from V.V.Putin and abandons actual both variants.
time goes, a pause delays and the choice of the future is formed already
regardless of nobody will. Whether there will be character of new world war to
have the appearance of the continuous stripping of territory, or bites of
"wasp's swarm" of numberless bands of terrorists, will decide after
the date of signing (or unsigning) of agreement of association of Ukraine with
ЕС. Anyhow in a current year.
it does not mean treachery of V.V.Putin automatically. In fact can take place
both ordinary human error and loss of control above a situation. Moreover,
begone how many experts testify to the necessity of forming of own clubbish set,
about harmfulness of surplus guardianship in regard to Ukraine (especially
"inadequate" "свидомытов", "crests", "западенцев"
etc.), coming to the direct malevolence (we will "look, as will begin to
sing, when we will disconnect gas"!), assertions that Russia perfectly
will be able to treat and without Ukraine.
on it is counted "North" and "South" streams, they
eliminate for Ukraine the last possibility for a manoeuvre. But it is done how
enough by Russia for bringing in of Ukraine not only the method of
"whip" but also "cake", judging is difficult. L.D.Kuchma
supposes that no. (refer,
refer) I suppose that without
cleaning of Russia from a liberal elite all her suggestions about Eurasian
integration are insincere.
slowly rolls to the first variant of the primitive stripping of territory of
leading countries of Asia. But already the nearest future will give a clear
answer for all these questions.
Р.S. On motion discovered that did not
give an answer for the main question of the article: whether traitor Putin. And
what difference? This his personal choice and responsibility before God. It is
important for us, that the consequences of his steps (or their absence) every
day more become equivalent to treachery.